My local Toyota Dealership contacted me today stating there's a high demand for a quality 2005 Prius. I'm to call and they'll spend 15 minutes getting to know my Prius better, I guess. Does anyone else have experience with this?
Me, too, but the letter said Repurchasing doesn't mean I have to buy a new one. So I assume they are just trying to sell new Toyotas regardless of model preference. Anyone else want to chime in with alternative ideas? Or just confirm that Toyota sales are down already and this is a way to unload new cars??
It is just a way to get you in the door. 99% of the time, if you sell your current Prius, you are going to need something to replace it . It is a marketing tool.
I wouldn't take it as a sign that sales are down. Targeting you is probably wise because you have a car they can sell pretty easily in today's market. They get your car, sell you another, and sell your used one, too.
Reading these threads make me sick, but I'm glad you're coming to the forums for advice! I'll tell you what I've been saying for a couple weeks. Not only should you not trade it in, but you need to realize this is a common scam by dealerships. I was at the dealership for an oil change and waited in the show room and they tried to get me to trade my car for a V that could "park itself!" Oooohhh Ahhhh. I'm not an idiot. OP, you're not special, they try to give this "deal" to everyone! It's like when your real estate agent comes up to you 15 years later and says you're sitting on a gold mine! Wanna sell your house? Of course not. It's hassle and huge waste of money for you. The only one who benefits is the sleezy salesman.
You could always go in and mess with them saying you already turned down an offer 5 grand more than they offered! Tell them thats what a Hundai dealer offered you. Or better yet, A Dodge Dealer.
Honda didn't stop sending me similar offers until my Accord was more than 15 years old. Like stock brokers, car dealers make money on the churn, regardless of whether prices are up or down.
I still get offers for a car that doesn't exist. If you need to kill an afternoon go ahead & visit the dealer. The people there may want the company. I wouldn't waste my time. I do like the "offers" that state "we'll put you in a brand new (insert name here) for your same monthly payment. Since I own the car I like the idea of an even-up trade. These go straight in the garbage as well.
I'm still getting those mail offers telling me there's a "high demand for my '01 Saturn LW300". You can barely give away an 11 year old station wagon, but the dealer's not gonna get you in the door if they tell you that!