I just found this E815 hack that enables OBEX, I haven't been able to try it because I don't have the phone yet, but there are pictures on the website below that show people transfering their address books and multimedia functions. I was wondering if someone could try it on the Prius....or when I get that phone in the future...I'll let you know...thanks http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=674803
It's been tried and it doesn't work......yet. See the following thread (OPP Hacking Challenge) on HoFo: http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php...cking+challenge
I'm actually planning on buying an E815 and Cnet users seem to give it EXCELLENT reviews. Do you all recommend this phone? Is it fragil? What is the actual battery life while talking? (2,3,4 hours?)
My research showed it to be one of the best choices for the Prius from Verizon. It does not appear to be fragile. As for battery life, I'm still on my 1st charge and never have 4-hour conversations, so someone else will need to speak to that. With Bluetooth enabled and ocassional few-minute calls I'm into my 4th day, and the battery indicator just changed to yellow. Still need to get a feel for what that means, though...
I have an e815 and am happy with it. True, I can't send the phone book, but I have 5 numbers in the one-touch area, which is all I need on a daily basis. You can have the phone dial by telling it to and still have a conversation. You can also upload the phone book using a laptop with BT. I only use the BT when driving home or on long trips. The battery seems to last a good while (a few days on standby), although using BT on an 8-hour trip cut the time down some (but not a lot). Definitely go to Howard Forums to get info there. If you're with Verizon, then there's a Verizon/Motorola area that'll answer most questions. Also get Mobile Phone Tools so you can take that picture of the 54.5mpg screen and upload it to your computer for posting.
If the issue is transferring the entire phone book over and it is not working with this phone, there is another thread on transferring a phone book over via a laptop with Bluetooth that may be of help. Laptop BlueTooth transfer
I forgot to mention that you see the strength meter on the MFD, but you only get the ring from the phone. When you hit the phone button, the audio mutes (which also happens when you place a call).
Has anyone been successful with the laptop transfer with the 2006?? I've read the thread and followed the instructions exactly. In my 2006 it forces a disconnect with the phone before attempting to register with the laptop. the laptop "sees" and acknowledges the Prius, but the Prius never finished connecting with the laptop.