Since I was one of the customers that a bought a Prius in February due to rising gas prices I was curious how the other Hybrid / electric vehicle sales compared to Prius. I was really suprized how much of a sales lead the Prius has over the competition. February 2011 sales: Prius 13,539 80.4% Insight 1,722 10.2% Lexus 1,222 7.3% Volt 281 1.7% Leaf 67 0.4% I guess at least I agreed with the majority of buyers (80%) in this class of vehicle that Prius is the best overall.
This is a little surprising, I'm not sure where you got those numbers. Generally the Prius runs about 50% (somewhere between 45-60%) of all hybrid sales, this is pretty consistent over the last 5 years. This includes hybrid versions of the Civic, Ford Fusion/Milan, Escape and several other more minor players that are missing from your list. I haven't seen any reports on this for probably 6 months though.
Had to get 5 posts in before it would let me post the link to the source of the numbers. February 2011 hybrid and EV sales | MNN - Mother Nature Network
This is not 100% of hybrid/EV sales. Toyota makes multiple other hybrids, and Ford sells the Fusion and Escape hybrids. Even GM has hybrids --- somewhere.
Volt fans like to wave their hands as the energy patriots of US -- saving us from the foreign oil devil. But look at the numbers -- If Prius petrol consumption is X savings per replacement car, and GM Volt consumption is 1.6x savings (50 and 150 mpg cars, respectively,) then because there are 48 new Prius on the road for every new Volt, Prius saved the US 30X more petrol than the Volt in February.
Yes I screwed up - realized that there were other models after I posted but it it still impressive the lead Prius has over the insight which was supposed to be it's competition. BTW I didn't like the Insight at all. Too cramped and hard to get in and out of.
thanks for the numbers! can't wait to see some complete n.a. numbers. i heard car sales were way up in feb.
Like another said, Prius has been about 50% of hybrid sales which means it outsells all others combined.
I traded in my '06 Honda Civic Hybrid (145,000 miles) in January for a '10 Prius. Once you get used to the idea of 40+ MPG (now a consistent 50) you just shudder at getting something that aveages around 30mpg (or less:scared
Don't be so hard on the poor Insight -- it just doesn't get any respect. We are a Prius and Insight family. On my 27 mile commute this afternoon, mostly highway, my Insight got 58.1 mpg. I'm giving my wife's Prius a run for the money.
Are you really putting down the Volt because they've only sold less than 300 units in Feb? They're still ramping up production. Same with the Leaf. Geez, talk about skewing numbers.
As we look at February Prius sales vs. other hybrid vehicles, let's not loose sight of the fact that ALL hybrid sales will increase as rising fuel prices increase. I think the fuel price panic will be about $4 per gal at which point conventional V8 & V6 vehicles sales will tank. I suppose the Toyota execs reading these posts are warmly rubbing their hands together as they think about future hybrid sales. I hope they keep in mind they're sitting on a load of large conventional V6, V8 inventory. Maybe Toyota doesn't care since that inventory is already bought by dealers. As long as Volt and Leaf are priced at their current level, I don't think future Prius sales will be affected. For me, current Prius pricing is a true value-add car given it's pricing, MPGs, technology and low-emissions. Notice that I list pricing first, then MPGs. Of course, I can buy cheaper cars, but not the same MPGs, technology, etc.
You can buy a lower priced car, but in the US you cannot find a lower priced lifetime TCO. Corolla comes close, but not when fuel is 4+ USD/gallon. It is really quite amazing for such a nice car to be the least expensive. And one of the shining examples of 'green' being the smart money choice too.
I think the Prius will continue to do well but this around people will have options with the 40mpg freeway (or more) club with more car makers. I know these cars are not Hybrid but they offer pretty decent gas mileage and price. The 2011 Cruz and Elantra are 40mpg and the 2012 Civic and Corolla will be also. If you get the middle of the line model, you are looking at about $4k less then a Prius II, which should be attractive to many. I wouldn't be surprise if the supposedly soon to come new Insight gets the same mpg or better than the Prius. The 2012 Civic Hybrid is pretty close already.