I made this spreadsheet so I could have it with me on my laptop when I went to negotiate with the salesman so I could get numbers quickly for various configuration changes he might have tried to push on me. He seemed content to sell me the model I had come in for so I got less use out of it than I anticipated. Last week another PC user asked me if I could post it here. I looked at it and decided it needed to be made more general before I would feel comfortable posting it. So, after a bit of work, here it is. I hope it helps some of you. I plan on producing a 2006 MY calculator along these lines when the 2006 pricing is released. B) (11-25 Kiloran - This has been done: 2006 Model Year Prius Calculator, Excel Spreadsheet) =================================================== 11-November-2005 Kiloran replaced file in original posting with newer revision. 15-November-2005 Kiloran replaced file with Version 3.0. 2006 MY calculator also available. 16-February-2006 Edited for content. File temporarily unavailable: Version 3.0 - 216 downloads. 28-April-2006 Version 3.0 restored.
Thank you very much Kiloran for this superb effort. Those of interested in purchasing a 2006 Prius will be waiting and hoping for your revisions. May I make a minor suggestion for the next revision that perhaps could help in others using a printed version of this spreadsheet in dealer negotiations? Right now, the Destination Charge is shown in cell M3. The only way to tell that this mandatory charge is included in the Total "Deal at MSRP" cell (Cell H21) is to look at the formula in that cell. If I were to show a printout of this to a dealer in negotiations, knowing how slippery many of them are, I'm sure that they would try to argue that this charge needs to be added into the "Deal at MSRP" cell. I suggest that insteaed, you include the Destination Charge in column H, maybe right beneath the "National Base Price" number. That way, anyone eyeballing the printout of this spreadsheet would clearly see that the destination charge really is included. This might save some arm wrestling. Thank you again for the time and effort you have put into this spreadsheet. I definitely plan on using it when I go to buy a Prius in early 2006. (Thanks also for the 2006 Federal tax credit explanation).
I am looking forward to incorporating feedback from PC members. I'll wait a day or two for suggestions to come in then I'll look into releasing version 2. Already, it occurred to me that I probably didn't have to assign a password when I protected the sheet. I'll probably remove that with the next release. Y'all are welcome. I've certainly got plenty of useful information for myself from this site.
For those of us in states with non integer tax rates, you probably should change the formatting of cell C31 to show at least one decimal place. Overall very nice.
B) I incorporated the changes suggested by WackyOne and John in Portland. Thanks for the feedback! For MY 2006, I have MSRP for the base model and the 8 packages. I don't yet have MSRP for the a-la-carte options. I have the invoice price for the base model but don't yet have invoice prices for the remainder. I have it from a reliable source that this information will be available by November 24, 2005. Use in good health! B) =================================================== 11-November-2006 Kiloran moved revised file to original posting. ===================================================
Wow, I am very impressed, Kiloran! The only question I have is: how many of you have actually found this useful when most dealers are charging MSRP or more? Have any of you guys actually been able to "bargain"?
Thanks! Sadly, I suspect it may not be much help in bargaining until dealers have 2006 MY Prii available on their lots. It might be helpful in getting the price down on the non-package options, especially those that can be removed, i.e. mats, cargo net, first aid... It might be a useful tool in deciding which package you can afford at MSRP. I certainly used it this way. I am hopeful that my 2006 MY calculator (when I have acquired invoice prices) will be useful when bargaining on Prius prices returns.
I placed an order for a 2006MY and took delivery of a 2005MY last friday. The dealer took a little bit off of MSRP for me for taking the earlier model year. He asked me not to advertise this fact, so I'd rather not give out the dealer name, but it's something to keep in mind if you go this route.
Bargaining? Whats that? I walked in and insted of waiting on a list I took what ever came in, I just stated I did not want the JBL or leather.. it came into J-ville with everything and when it got to the dealer it had everthing except those 2 items.. it dropped 3k off of the price... Here in Fla. a 97'-05' Prius goes from 17.5k to 24k (USED).. Good Luck! B)