Has anyone (else) had the issue of the coating on the inside of the doors peeling off? My car is < 6 months old, and it's been doing it for almost the entire 6 months. It's on the top of the interior of the door, where the black hard surface (plastic?) is. (About 1 inch or so below where the glass for the window would retract to if you opened the window.) The stuff is peeling off in little tiny black pieces, almost like a thin film of paint or something? I have taken it to my dealership, and they have ordered me a replacement part, but I am worried it will happen again. However, I haven't seen anyone here mention it at all, so that makes me feel a little better... I haven't had any impacts to this area, and have only used Armor-All on it maybe 3 times. Did I just happen to get a faulty part? Or am I not alone in this? Thanks! -Vikki
All I can say is that I have not had this issue (yet). I've had my car for about 4 months now and no problems so far. The only difference is that I don't use Armor-All on it.
vikki, has it been subjected to high temperatures? To get that Matte texture, inexpensively, most mnf's use a mil thickness vinyl coating. I have an '02 VW Passat that a similar occurance is happening at the interior driver side door handle. I am one who is ever-so-hopeful for Toyota to wake up to omitting vinyl from thier cars, especially the Prius. If they are really after sustainability, Vinyl needs to be omitted. Contrary to the Vinyl Institutes statements, Vinyl production is still a major Dioxin contributor. okay... off my soap box! I am hoping they resolve this for '06 as I'm expecting my car sometime in Feb.
Mine was the glovebox release button that had paint peeling off. I'm surprised that the interior plastics are coated. Some have reported paint peeling after they rested their sunscreened-covered elbows on the door panel.
Reading on PriusChat and other foums, I think Toyota has had some quality-control problems with the interior painted smooth plastic parts. To their credit, I believe Toyota has replaced the part(s) for everyone who has complained. Maybe this is the reason these parts are textured in the '06, to give the paint something to stick to.
I have had my Prius for about 6 months and it just started peeling yesterday on the driver door like you mentioned. Haven't been to the dealer yet, but i am also concerned that I'll keep getting parts that will peel until the car is out of warrenty.