It turns out that my 2001 Prius does need the HV battery replaced. I contacted Re-InVolt and want to purchse a remanufactured battery but they don’t ship to Canada. So I have to arrange for my own shipment which turns out to be complicated and costly. They tell me that they have sold batteries to Canada but the customers arranged for their own shiping. Has anyone (or someone you know) shipped a Re-Involt HV battery to Canada and what methods they used? Re-InVolt does not have information on these clients so I could not contact them.
Their website says they're in the process of training installers across the US and Canada - you'd think they'd be more helpful in getting their product to you. A Prius battery bank is unusually large and heavy to go parcel post or courier. Too bad you can't just drive down. You don't happen to know anyone just across the border, do you?
I think that you should consider making your own battery, by buying two salvage 2G batteries, disassembling them, and selecting 38 modules (out of the 56 available) to populate the Classic traction battery case. Then sell the remaining 18 modules, the two 2G traction battery ECUs, and the two sets of 2G system main relays on eBay to help defray your acquisition costs.
It sounds like they don't really want your business, if they're not meeting you halfway arranging things. That's too bad: their website paints a promising picture. Do post when and if you resolve this: I'm sure a lot of Canadians are interested.
******************************* Thank you Patrick, You are absolutely right and your suggestion would be the best approach. I seriously considered the DIY method and even bought the famous "HV Battery Repair Guide" for 50 bucks online. The problem is with my "11 left thumbs", I am not the handy type. This means that it would take me at least twice as long as the average person. I just don't have the time or the patience. In my cas, a rebuit product is definitely the way to go. I just got a message from some outfit in Denver that rebuids batteries and is willing to ship to the "great white north". ha-ha Once I do some more investigation, I'll let you know how it goes. Cheers! Curious
I am still considering this option. I could have it sent to the UPS store in Ogdensburg, NY, about 1 hour from here. The only delay is that I have to find someone to get it because I have not yet received my passport renewal.
HAPPY UPDATE! For my fellow Canadianswho can't just hop in the car and pick up a HV battery somewhere in the States: :cheer2: The company called Adopt A Part in Denver, CO ships their remanufactured products to Canada! Not only do they have lower prices, they have much friendlier service than the folks I talked to at Reinvolt in Sanford, NC.