Section 14-219 (b)(2) is subordinate to the first section, which says that you can't exceed the speed limit. Section 14-219 (b)(2) spells out the penalties for specific cases of speeding. Here is the first section: Tom
I am not a genius but haven't yet read anything that to me says you have any leeway whatsoever in the state of CT to speed above the speed limit in any circumstance unless, as commonly assumed, you're an emergency vehicle.
Cool, another Prius/Miata owner. I have a 10AE, which is your 'tater of choice? I had a 2000 that I had pretty much torn down and rebuilt from the ground up for SCCA Solo II, but I sold it to get my daughter a vehicle. God, I loved that car. I really miss it. I just picked up the 10AE last year, and am now in the process of rebuilding it. I will make it better...stronger...faster... So far, I've installed a Borla exhaust, put on a double hoop style bar (will replace with a Hard Dog DD this summer), had racing stripes painted, installed a Crazy Red Italian horn (which I think I might try on the Prius too), shorted the shifter and added a stainless ball shift knob, which makes a huge difference in the feel/throw of the shift. Oh, and I installed a grill. Currently, I have adjustable Racing Beat end links on order as I found that one of the stock end links is currently broken. This summer, I'm looking at installing the following: Hard Dog DD roll bar Header (not sure which one yet) Sways And, even though the stock Bilsteins on the 10AE are GREAT, I will probably replace them with adjustable coilovers. I had Tein's on my last Miata, and they were really nice. Those are the initial big ticket items...there will be many more modifications made as I have time/money. I let my 2000 go...I will not make that mistake with the 10AE...besides, this was the Miata I originally wanted back in 2000, I just couldn't scrape enough $$$ together to purchase it then. Sorry, I sort of went off topic with the original Prius hate. make this relevant, I've been that guy in the Miata stuck behind a Prius in the twisties before. It's not fun...until you pass them and watch them disappear in the rearview mirror.
Agreed. For reference, from some quick Googling, it seems we can find these CT vehicle code passages at: ConnDOT: Speed Limit CHAPTER 248* VEHICLE HIGHWAY USE CHAPTER 248 VEHICLE HIGHWAY USE (it seems they've undergone a bunch of revisions)
Don't own a Prius (yet), but this thread is causing my blood pressure to skyrocket. I can see where you'd experience Prius hate. I frequent several auto forums, and by and large, they hate all things Prius/EV in nature. Maybe not Tesla, but whatever. Not that most people can afford one. In my area (college town), I can personally attest to "economy car hate". One day, I passed a slower moving Tahoe/Suburban and got in front. No cutting off, using my signals, etc. Dude proceeded to speed up until he was on my bumper. Could tell he did not like me being in front. He weaves around me, and slows to our previous speed. This is where I get redneck SUV hate, and I own a couple full size trucks. I decide I won't let his actions stand, so I weave around him + 2 other cars, and eventually make it to the stop light. Meanwhile he gets in the turn lane. As he's making his turn on green, while I'm stuck on red, his upper body is sticking out of his window, yelling, and giving me the finger. As my light turns green, I'm contemplating cutting through the next parking lot, and attempting to get in front of him again. I decided that was probably not a smart move.
Why do other drivers feel the need to pass me. I can be doing 75mph in the right lane of a 65mph road and the person behind me will speed up to pass me then slow down. It's rather comical. Annoying but comical.
I don't believe it is always Prius related. I have traveled on highways numerous times in many vehicles with the cruise set and keeping a constant speed and there is always a few vehicles that I will pass, they will speed up and pass me, then they slow back down and this cycle will repeat over and over usually until I get tired of it and up my speed and put a little distance between us.
I know what you mean. When i used to own my Prius, I'd get cutoff sometimes. Not a wise thing to do in traffic, as I'm a big guy. In the FJ, going the same speed, nothing. Folks drive normally around me. As far as trucks, if I owned a diesel pickup I'd probably sell it after seeing something like this Some of the redneck comments are priceless: "diesel fumes arnt toxic." Ok, I'll run a hose from the exhaust pipe into your bedroom while you're sleeping So there are some seriously nutty people out there
Nope, that isn't the point with that crowd. They think its cool to produce clouds of black smoke on command. We had a troll awhile back with a VW Golf tdi who bragged about deleting the DPF to do the same stunt Not sure what it is with that crowd. Maybe we should run a hose from their exhaust pipe into their homes, if the black clouds of smoke truly are "harmless" as they claim Look how late the Europeans adopted car emission controls. They did so because they had to, the environmental effects were very obvious I've frequently traveled to London, Geneva, Paris, Bremen etc on business. Overall the air quality in American and even Canadian cities (Canada's environmental regulations trail far behind the US) is much better than those cities
I know in some cities like London you can see a substantial darkening of the white stone used in older buildings, it's become tarnished from years of smog and air filth.
Reminds me of seeing Leipzig - since it was never fully rebuilt, it's an amazing combination of new architecture and centuries-old buildings. The city still looks like a big construction sites in some parts. There are tons of abandoned apartment buidings that are basically completely black on the façade, with adjoining buildings looking white as the new fallen snow in comparison (though they're probably just gray!).
When I worked in a downtown office in the heart of St. Louis, they sandblasted our building about every few years with wet walnut shells to remove the crud/smog residue from the building. But, I'm sure what they removed was harmless. It made for very tasty walnutty tasting diesel coctails. Mmmm. Where do these people think all that smoke goes? Darwin will catch up with them...just give it a little more time. Tick tock...
Because they are uneducated F&^%*(& idiots! I'd love to beat the living %^$& out of one I caught doing it in my neighborhood.
Drivin' cross town couple weeks ago, old dude in old Big3 pickup, gas, belching out smoke, truck in bad shape. He's in front of me, I move over to avoid the fumes (I've already opened windows knowing what's coming). Later I'm in middle lane, sure enough he comes by in left lane with tailpipe on my side ........ now I've got fumes in my car...roll windows down, air it out. Seemed to have reg tag, but how. Geez, some vehicles just need to be put to rest.