Important video to watch! - Genetically modified foods, how they are made, the health risks, and how massive corporations are pushing to dominate the world's food supply and force farmers to grow their "unnatural" chemically-made herbicide-resistant seeds, or force them out of business. They are also patenting thousands of varieties of "normal" food seeds so that no one else can grow them. $8 Billion was spent by the big pesticide companies to "buy out" the seed company industry. This video was originally on DVD but now they are allowing the FULL VIDEO to be seen here The Future of Food. Please share this with your friends/family on Facebook, etc.
Dude, you JUST learned this? Bt GM Crops GMO BT crops have been around for like 15 years (yes, including the ones that ). Same with the "roundup-ready" ones. I can't even count how many websites there are about how evil Monsanto is (for example) Problem is that most consumers don't seem to care (or are unwilling to expend the energy to care) about anyhting that isn't "shiny" and have a memory of like 3 months.
It's not that people don't care. We're comparatively powerless against the likes of Monsanto, especially when governments refuse to require GMO labelling. The farmers who cared are mostly out of business now.
This is why I shop organic/local farmers markets. And, why I'm vegan -- it's that much lower on the food chain, thus less exposure to toxic chemicals (okay, it's one reason. I have like, a half dozen reasons)
Everyone has to learn sometime in their lives. I've heard of GMO long ago but never knew the details, and was "unconscious" about it. I've since switched to organic and thought everyone should at least know what they are eating instead of assuming that everything's ok.
Even if you buy organic/local, you aren't necessarily separating yourself from GMO - gene transfer has been observed to occur with some frequency between neighboring (and even not-so-neighboring) fields.
If you're not appalled you just haven't been paying attention. Right now food safety is near the highest it has ever been. Organic does not mean no harm to the environment or to the person eating the food. There are organic factory farms that do more harm than anything GMO to this point. All farming uses artificial selection where plants and animals have been bred to genetically select for various attributes. Is a tomato that takes longer to spoil really worse than a chicken with such a heavy breast it can not move around. GMO spreads, pesticides leach, plant and animal sickness spread. Modern farming is a boom to mankind, but we can do better. I would put GMO far down the list on problems though.
I began voting with my fork and my money after watching "Food Inc." I buy my meat from a local butcher that raises grass fed, humanely treated, natural animals. If I have to buy elsewhere for practical reasons, I shop at Whole Foods or PCC (a local co-op.) I have organic produce delivered twice a month from Full Circle Farms and also buy local from farmer's markets when they are around and stuff is in season. Not only is the food better in taste, but it's better for me and the planet. And I can be that much more smug as a Seattleite as I drive away from the market in my Prius or on my bicycle...this is crucial for hypersmugging!
problem is not that company problem is to many people and that can not be sustained on this planet where trying to solve a problem that can not be solved unless we try to keep populations down or go and life in the moon ( and even that a temparal sollution beause you can not keep on goinging that way )
At home I vote with my fork too. I have trouble doing it on the road. But I do have a problem with your post. If you want to be that hypersmug seatle only gets you so far. You need to move to san fransico. Hey now people now, drive a hybrid people now. People are people now. ;-)
I don't even know if I can handle another intense food documentary after Food Inc. I'll never look at a Capri Sun the same way...