My Bittersweet Chevy Volt Moment | I thought the most interesting factoid was his 411 wh/mile overall energy consumption. That is what I expected winter drivers to report, but I underestimated the Volt inefficiency. Ron drives in Marin County, San Fran CA environs. Anyway, very nice and comprehensive report, except for the continuing silliness of of saying that electricity from the grid has 1/3 to 1/5 the environmental impact of petrol.
Does Ron post here ? Here's what he actually wrote quote: "... there is an economic and carbon cost to electricity, though on the average only 1/5 to 1/3 that of gasoline. The price of oil is of course rising and increasingly volatile, and its carbon content is rising too while that of electricity is decreasing."
^^ Quite right Dennis, but ~ 80% of his driving is EV, while I think (?) that the EPA weighted ICE and EV modes equally, meaning that his EV driving energy efficiency was considerably worse than EPA predicted. Thus his lament.
Given that he's in California, definitely a win for him with most of the electricity generated from non-coal sources.