I am a Flight Attendant and come in contact with many people on a daily basis. I talk to many of them and mention that I own a Prius. Most of them have never heard of it and many of them when told that it is a Hybrid say "Oh is that an electric car? Where do you plug it in?" This does not reflect well on the knowledge of many of my colleagues when it comes to automobiles, but I do find it interesting to note the lack of knowledge. Does anyone else get some strange reactions/questions/comments regarding their Prii?
I get no reaction at all here in the UK. Before I had my Prius I thought from what I had read on PriusChat that folk would notice it, or ask me about it when I parked. But not a word. It is a rare car on the roads here. In the last two months I've never seen another one. More than two months ago I would not have recognised one if I'd seen it as I'd never heard of the car until September when I read about it in a consumer magazine.
pennyprius, Often in life people become incredulous when everyone else does not share their own fascinations. It's just human nature. We Prius afficionados are not immune, and in many cases feel the need to spread the Gospel of Prii. What a consecrated bunch we have become. (And rightfully so! -_- ) You really needn’t be overly distressed with your Flight Attendant colleagues’ overall lack of knowledge when it comes to automobiles. DO become extremely distressed if your Flight Attendant colleagues demonstrate a lack of knowledge when it comes to Girt Bars and their proper use. 99 percent of the general public would be unsuspecting . . . but I would freak!
When I tell people at work I own a Prius, they immediately say, "A what?" A coworker of mine owns the GM Silverado Hybrid truck (20 MPG) and she is the only other hybrid owner in the whole workcenter. People do a double-take when I tell them I get close to 50 MPG. I
Initially I got that reaction at work, and yes, the questions. In time word got out and those folks who were curious asked questions and I'd educate them, even to the extent of bringing in articles from the 'net and leaving them public access. Then that word got out. I'd also talk about, "We got x MPG on this trip." , etc. Now, pretty much everyone at work who cares is educated and everyone knows I'll talk if questioned, in fact, the hard part is shutting me up. The wife had the same experience, but in a much smaller company. Then that turned to sour grapes. Lots fewer people there and strong personalities can dominate the few. She doesn't let it bother her. Folks on the road pretty much haven't a clue (Central Maine), unless it's another Prius owner, then it's the typical, "Do you love yours as much as I love mine?". There has only been one case where I got even a quizical look. Backing out, obviously in EV mode, stopping and then taking off in D started the ICE and a teenager looked like he'd about seen a UFO; it was obvious I'd backed out under power before the engine was running; he heard it start.
Silverado Hybrid Pickup?! Oxymoron? I thought a hybrid achieved its power from two sources (electric/gas or bubble gum/pedaling). If the Silverado is a hybrid (claim I also saw in a GM tv ad) are those engines that shut sown cylinders when the power is not needed, partial hybrid? If I drive my F150 pickup and shut turn the key off at stop lights and taffic jams, it is a manual hybrid? Or, maybe I don't get the picture. Maybe any vehicle that doesn't have a classic drive system that doesn't fool with all cylinders any or all the time is a hybrid. OOOPS, here comes a steep hill, pop it into neutral and let's coast, hybrid style.
If I understand it correctly, what Chevy's done is let the elecric moter kick on at a full stop to maintain things like AC, stereo and other electric stuff without the help of the ICE. There is no driving assist from electric at all that I can recall. Terry
<_< If shutting off some cylinders qualifies for the "Hybrid" label, then I had a Cadillac V 4-6-8 "Hybrid" around 20 years ago. Number of cylinders "in use" was dependent on torque requirements, speed, terrain, etc. BAD IDEA - no perceptable savings in fuel. There was also perceptable vibration in the "V-6" mode. Some V 4-6-8 owners simply "clipped" one wire after the warranty expired reverting to a V-8.