I was recently in a fender bender where I was rear ended. My rear bumper cover became detached on the left side and the spoiler underneath it (left side and center parts) became detached. I lost several pieces of hardware in the crash. I was able to clip the bumper cover back in on the left side, and aside from that, I don't believe any bolts, screws, etc. are missing for the bumper cover. However, the spoiler seems to be missing about half of its hardware. I found a lovely exploded diagram on this site. However, it is not labeled with part numbers. Does anyone know how I would figure out the part numbers for the bolts/grommets/etc.? I was looking at this site (can't post URLS because my post count is too low) and got all confused about which part numbers I should buy as there appears to be multiple part numbers for each piece of hardware (e.x. the grommet has three different part numbers). I am trying to buy them and install on my own to save money, but if this is impossible to determine without dealer help, I will go to them. Thanks!
Rockauto.com seems to have many of these parts available aftermarket, othewise, you can call one of the online toyota dealers for the part numbers. I used Camelback toyota in Phoenix. They emailed me drawings, and identified the part numbers.
You might look at: toyotapartsales dot com They have diagrams on some of the parts and discounted prices. No part numbers. I have not purchased from them but they have good pictures of parts. Check your dealers web site for parts department coupons and discounts. I slid off of the road today backwards into trees. My rear bumper is pushed to the left and the bottom spoiler is mangled. I am looking for rear bumper parts also. If they are lower in cost with shipping than the dealer I will try them. Not sure if I should try to repair this my self or take it to a body shop.