Sorry for my english, i'm spanish. I built and ELM327, wired to ECU and with bluetooth to my phone. Programming and testing, I discovered the SOC. The SOC (state of charge) of Hybrid battery in Prius Gen3: With ELM327 or similar, you can send "07E2 01 5B" and the answer is something similar to "7EA 03 41 5B 8A" 8Ah=138d/2=69% SOC With SCANGAUGE: 07E2015B 0441855B0000 2808 000A00020000 I don't have scangauge, so i cannot probe this. With my ELM327 is fine, and i see how charge an discharge over the time... I hope this ussefull for you. You can visit Mi Toyota Prius - Tuning Prius 3G and my page Lobato (motoleon) Salu2.
I've a P3 and a Scangauge and tried your numbers today - and it looks good !!! - at least nearly .... I think that the Math - calculation is not completely right - I read in other threads here, that the Prius battery SOC moves between 40 and 80%, and that with 6 bars in the Prius display the battery is in the range of 60% . I got up to 65% on the Scangauge with 4 bars and up to 82,5% with 6 bars (didn't got more charge in my battery today). So there is an offset missing or ..... ? But - congratulations !!! - you found out the SOC ! Regards to Spain from Germany !
Very interesting! I'll test it out. I do know the SoC never goes over about 81% and that is with insane downhill force charging... usually by 78% the ICE is bleeding off battery power so the math must not be quite right -- but it may just be something easy to adjust. SoC doesn't drop below 40% unless you force it by keeping the ICE off in neutral. By 25% the car screams to put the car back into park. But at 40% you are at 1 bar. If I remember right at about 70% you are at full charge. Or maybe it's 75% ...
Ok, just tested in my car against known values .. and the math isn't correct. Xgauge --- Actual 70.0 --- 54.9 69.5 --- 54.5 69.0 --- 54.1 68.5 --- 53.7 Here is the correct MTH: TXD 07E2 015B RXF 0441 855B 0000 RXD 2808 MTH 03E8 00FF 0000 On his original reading the SoC is actually 54.1% not 69%. Excellent find! All Scangauge owners can now know their actual SoC on their Gen III Prius.
Thaks adrianblack. I don't have scangauge so i can't probe that, now the math is correct (40%-SOC-80%). It is updated in spanish forum. There is no other data in that PID. Sorry. Thast all. Salu2.
Does anyone know if this is compatible with Camry Hybrid (2007) ? And--does anyone know how to program the ELM327 value into the app 'Torque' ? Thanks