I'd be willing to bet anyone right now, that the new Texas truck factory will eventually switch over to making hybrid Toyota trucks...
You are dead on with that, it is war without guns adn is talked about in those terms and uses those terms.
LaughingMan and jayman said it all. I can see why you would cry so much if GM went belly up and that clarifies why you are soooo sooo nervous and are getting depressed, but really simplifying it and putting a blame on one company which is ONE of the GMs competitors is a little stretching it. And your claims that Malibu or whatever other cars you mentioned are as good as Toyota and people don't want to buy them I don't think is Toyota's fault. I don't pledge allegiance to Toyota, Nissan, Honda etc. but you simply are trying to put a blame on someone else and not the one who caused the problem. You simply can not take a way from Toyota the reliability of their cars. As opposed to what you keep saying I didn't make my decision to purchase Toyota because "I figured", "I heard" that they get great milage or are reliable. I am speaking from my own experience. How can you change my experience? And I am yet to see Toyota posing for American company.
If it is deemed cost effective and will help the assembly line move faster, you bet it will. If it isn't cost effective or help Toyota sell trucks it will never switch over to hybrids. In my personal opinion , there will be other breakthrough technology long before all vehicles are hybrids. Remember oil is a limited commodity and with China and India coming on-line fast the pressure will mount. Isn't necessity the mother of all invention?
So are you going to address how GM is seemingly using the exact strategy that you accuse Toyota of using? Have you been openly accusing GM of the same thing Toyota is?
Waht if one day your experience is bad. I have been holding this back, but on the wholesale level Toyota of north America resemble very much the Chevrolet of 1979, and that is a direct quote from two dealers who would know. I will probabaly purchase a Toyota store at its zenith in value, wouldn't that be just my luck!
Are you referring to fuel cell technology? I believe we will eventually get there, but despite the advances made in the recent years, it has been vaporwear (pun intended)... car companies have been saying that fuel cell cars are 10 years out for at least 10 years now. Fuel cells and any other kind of alternative provides a huge infrastructure problem for us. It's the chicken and the egg... we'll never have fuel cell cars on the road because there are no fueling stations, and we'll never have enough fueling stations because there are no fuel cell cars on the road. And who says that hybrid isn't the invention that addresses that necessity? I bet some people here see it that way, myself included Or at least they see it as an important transitional technology to hold us over until a true ZEV alternative sometime this century.
If one day my experience is bad I will look at at other options, but your "what if" scenario hasn't happened yet, until then I have no reason to buy inferior product
Sure we would. I can tell an evasive answer when I see one. If your job doesn't give your credibility in this area, then toss in youe a)education, B) life experience, or c) AGE!!!!!!!! This reminds me of when I found out a poster discussing the merits of DRIVING a hybrid was only 15 yrs old. HAHAHAHA (I can't believe I am helping with the continuation of this thread, but it's like a train wreck, I can't look away)
I mean that GM is using their nonexistent hybrid car technology for complete PR reasons. Read this : http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cf...32759/story.htm Straight from the horses mouth: I know you don't have a respect for GM management to begin with, but that's the kind of enviromental wolf-in-sheeps clothing that you accuse Toyota of, isn't it? GM is one of the worst polluting car makers, yet they are talking up their non-existant hybrid program to try to distract from their bread and butter. Isn't that what you are trying to fight?
Yes, GM should make a commitment or stay out of the game. Mark Laneve is the only keeper at the top right now. Wagner and Lutz need to go!
If Toyota is so intent on being as green as can be, what is the purpose of Scion. I am stunned that the mpg on that brand is as poor as it is. When I was at the Chicago Auto Show last Feb I was absolutely astounded to see what the mpg was on that entire brand. I was expecting high 30's and low 40's. Excuse me if I am jumping around, things have gotten a little hectic around here this afternoon.
I am not an engineer or a scientist. As the world's oil supply dwindles, I believe their will come a major revolution in personal transportation. Tell me if I am wrong, but I view hybrids as more of an evolutionary step.