Well, I FINALLY got my EV Kit from Coastal after waiting almost three months. (They said they gave me "free" shipping, but I didn't get the power outlet mod I ordered but paid for hmm....) My husband installed it right away and said it installed easily. Now, we can't get it to engage! We have tried everything included in the directions to no avail. I managed to get it to work once, but don't really know what I did to duplicate the results. I want this to work as I live 1.5 miles from work. Such a short trip the normal way kills my mileage no matter what I do to try to keep the mileage up. Don't get me wrong, I'm still thrilled with the mileage I'm getting, but want to get the best mileage possible, thus the reason for the EV kit.
What happens when you try to engage it...what are you doing..I believe you need to hold the CC for 2-3 seconds to activate. Are you hearing the triple beep when you try to engage it? If you never get beeps. If the screen never changes to the Energy screen then I bet it isn't installed properly. My big clue to that is that your husband said it installed "easily". One of the main mistakes is that the pin is not pushed deeply enough into slot 27. Usually you need a very tiny screw driver or something to get it completely seated. If it is seated down in there very well and you're still not getting it to work then check your wire taps...it's possible one of those isn't quite on right and that your ground isn't good. More info will help. But call Coastal Dave/Kelley and they should get you your missing mod and be able to trouble shoot.
Nothing happens when I try to engage it. No beeps, no nothing. I hold back on the CC stick for 10-15 seconds with nothing. Sometimes, when I first start it, I will hold back on the stick until I hear 3 long beeps only to have the engine kick in right away. :cussing: My husband is a trained electrician. Not only does he know how to install wires, he has all kinds of tiny screwdrivers and dental picks to get them properly seated. This job was easy for him. It is installed right. We have tried every trick listed in the directions to engage the EV. Nothing is working. I have absolutely no faith in Dave/Kelly. :x They never returned my phone calls or e-mails before. They did FINALLY call me because either I transposed a few numbers on my credit card or they did when trying to process it. Supposedly they sent me an e-mail letting me know about the problem with my card. I never got any e-mail and quite frankly, I don't believe them because their customer service stinks.
I absolutely mean no offense to your husband, but I strongly encourage you to have him check the pin again. If you are getting no beeps and no reaction at all then there are only 3 possibilities. 1)Pin not in 2)tap not making contact 3)EV circuit is bad In over a year and a half of installing and answering questions about EV buttons I can tell you that 90% of the time it's the pin not being all the way in to make contact. 10% it's one of the taps. I've not seen one case where it was Dave's circuit that was bad. Dave & Kelley seem better about answering technical f/u questions than they are about replying to orders and other customer service type things. Try the things I suggest even if your husband is insulted by my insolence. If that doesn't work try Dave/Kelley again.
I am having similar issues with a different symptom. I installed the kit, the pin is all the way down (can see it at the same level as the other pins. When I hold in the stalk, I DO get three beeps, but no change in the screen and no EV mode. Any additional thoughts? I have triple checked the connections, etc. Rob
The triple beeps mean that you are in conditions not suitable for EV mode to engage...if you read the knowledge base article it lists them. Try engaging immediately after the READY light comes on after you hit the power button (within the first 5-7 seconds). Also, once the ICE does start it needs to get to stage III (also see Knowledge base) before you can engage. High battery temps will prevent engaging, speed over 34mph, battery SOC less than 4 bars and various other things). It SHOULD change to the Energy screen if conditions are acceptible for EV mode and you'll just get 1 beep.
Doesn't the thing have to be working if it beeps? I get 3 beeps every time I ask for EV and it refuses for some reason, like temps too high or low, speed or acceleration too high etc. If the pin wasn't connected what causes a beep of any kind? But I have the regular Toyota Factory button.
Correct Tom, lt1jane is getting no beeps...thus my concern that the connection is bad. Robmich is getting beeps so I think his is fine.
We have checked and re-checked the connections. They are installed correctly. The response I got from Coastal was send it back, and they'll return my money. That's probably what I will do and I'll order the EV button from Sigma Automotive (one of this site's sponsors).
This is probably a stupid question but is everyone having this problem sure the battery is charged above three bars before attempting to "force" EV mode? If not you'll get three beeps every time. (I made that mistake after first installing it...) I wouldn't swear to it but the fact that the "switch" is causing any beeps at all means that the connections are intact. As with the general consensus, good luck getting CoastalEtech doing a professional job at anything. Don't get me wrong, Kelley couldn't be any nicer and their quality control is outstanding from my experience but this product release date for the NAV defeat, the ViewTech 2005 and other products being pushed back month after month after month is absurd, astonishing, bewildering, just plain hard-to-believe... Does anyone else feel like they're in an episode of the Twilight Zone?
Coastaltech's "professionalism" consisted of an e-mail telling me to send it back. No offer of help for why it doesn't work and no offer to send me my missing power outlet mod. Great company, I want to send them a lot of business...NOT. And yes, the battery was in the range where it should have worked. Explain this to me, if I can't get it to work, why did it engage once? I had it in EV mode for a full 20 minutes and drove it at 20mph. It worked ONCE, but we don't know how to replicate the results. My husband is mad that we've already tapped into the wires and compromised them, now we're supposed to remove the kit and send it back.
Believe it or not I DO have something good to say about CoastalEtech. The first EV mode module I installed didn't work either but it didn't even work once. I called them on it and they sent me a replacement at no charge without even asking me to return the defective one. I still don't know if the first one was defective or not. The second attempt works fine but there's a chance "that" pin wasn't fully "engaged". It seemed to seat better/deeper the second time around. That was months ago though and I doubt if that scenario would be duplicated now that they're working sooooo hard on getting the ViewTech/NAV defeat "to market". (I wish....) One other thing, they've got great complimentary jelly beans. :wink:
When I did the installation on my EV button, I was a little puzzled at first by how the EV mode was entered - some of the documents aren't entirely clear... You will ONLY get a "beep" going into EV mode if you're not already on the power-monitor screen (that shows the battery status). If you're on any other screen, the display will shift and you'll get the beep. If you're already there - no beep and no other indication that you're in EV mode sucessfully. Seems to be a slightly confusing circumstance from not having the EV mode light on the dashboard. You will get 3 beeps whenever the car leaves EV mode, either from adverse battery/power conditions, or when you manually toggle it off from any mode. I've made a habit of toggling my screen to something that's not the battery status display before entering EV mode to make sure I get the beep going in. Just for peace of mind. Now when I got my EV mode installed, I had a few problems getting into that mode at the beginning as well because it was very hot weather and the battery won't allow EV mode when the battery is hot. After driving around for a while and allowing the cooler cabin air to flow back to the battery, EV engaged easily. No problems at all in cooler weather. ... On a sidenote, I had a regular service checkup today (oil change, tires rotated, brakes checked, etc), and I was curious if they'd say anything about the EV switch I installed, but they didn't seem to care/mind. They did find out that the headlights on my 04 were aimed a bit high, so they angled them down somewhat, but no other difficulties. Front brakes at about 85% of max, and rear brakes at about 60% - interesting (after about 18 months with the car). Dave
lt1jane, Have you uninstalled your coastal EV mod yet? You really haven't been very clear about what efforts you've made to test the product and such. If you're positive it worked once then it seems likely that it was installed OK but you're trying to engage it at time where EV is not an available option. Just to disagree with DaveG a little, I don't get the 3 beeps when I manually disengage EV mode....only when it disengages for low battery SOC, speed in Excess of 34mph or too hard of accel.
I called Coastal E Tech couple of time to discuss this problem, but only got their silly machine, so here goes... I've got a 05 Prius with Coastal E - EV Mod and have ongoing problems. I've double checked all the connections and made sure that all the connecters are properly secured and in particular the HV connector block and still the EV mod does not cause my MFD display to go into ENERGY MODE and it it never has. Any thoughts??? Let me know. Ken Becker
I have to say it took me three attempts to get the pin in far enough. I thought the disassembly of the dash components was the hard part, after all I built a Heath Kit TV in College ( not to mention a Amp, and a pH meter) but getting that pin to seat is a Bxxh. Costal helped me and encouraged me to "keep on keeping on". Make sure the pin is in far enough1
Thanks For The Encouragement HdryG! I perservered and with the aid of you, Coastal and Dr. Evan F. I now understand that I did the install correctly. I just didn't understand the way the system takes over (often when it feels like it) and locks out my CC stalk request. But now, after 12 hours of learning the tricks and tips, I'm pleased as punch that I can, IF THE SYSTEM ALLOWS, force this car into EV mode and suck them batteries down to 3 bars, then watch the topography, my speed, my "Current" status indicator and SOC bars and gradually coax more power back into the batteries and more mpg out of this little sipper! Today the EV, tomorrow the EBH!!! (maybe mud flaps too!!!) Wee, I'm off to see my mpg go +++ up up up. All the best, Ken
Here's how to know if you are sending the EV signal to the HV or not. If it doesn't go to the energy screen, but you get three beeps, your mod is working, but the HV is not allowing EV at this time. If you don't get the beeps or the switch to energy screen, you aren't requesting EV to the HV. Check the pin. Be sure you have raised the pin lock high enough. Sometime I'll measure what voltage should be reading off the pin if it is in place properly, though I suppose it would be difficult to measure/probe once the plug is in place.
What if the MFD display already shows/is in Energy mode and I still can't force it into EV mode (by pulling the CC stalk - and the engine is warm and I'm going less than 34mph, etc.) , does that indicate that somehow the "SYSTEM" won't accept my current request and continues on with its own scenario? Please advise! Thanks, Ken