Hey all, Got a new 2011 base model 1223 and just figuring out everything. Noticed one problem and maybe I am missing the solution. If you wear sunglasses during the day the dash cluster is not very bright and somewhat hard to see. Without the sunglasses okay but it's sunny down here in South Carolina. I found the dial to increase or decrease the dash lighting but even at full on still dim. Know my eyes are gettin' older, but never had this problem in any other car.Is there a solution I don't know about or a common problem ? Also,for what is worth, why did Toyota put the speedo over to the right and not in front? I drove a Civic hybrid for 3 years before trading for the Prius and it's speedo was in a perfect position and very easy to see. Thanks, Mike PS - I really like this new Prius, just getting used to it now !
Do you drive with the headlights on 100% of the time? If so, rotate the dial upward until it clicks in place and that'll keep it in daytime mode (brightest setting).
I think it may have to do with polarized lenses. I am having the same issue as you and I know my lenses are indeed polarized. Maybe someone here can let us know if they have the same issue with non-polarized lenses.
I am having the hard to read HVAC problem. When the sun hits it, it is impossible to read. The clear plastic cover has some foggy residue on it. I know this was a problem on the early 2010s, and there was a TSB. However, my car is a way late 2010.
On the dash, low down, to the left of the steering wheel, there is a control for the display lights. As pointed out by "32kcolors," rotate the control wheel to the bright until it clicks. I drive with sunglasses and the headlights on. I found this control the first day of ownership.
Even people who have "clear" display from factory have reported finding it difficult to read in the sun. Some late 2010 owners are still saying it's blurry despite the TSB (which doesn't apply to them). I'm going to try to have my dealer replace my A/C display under TSB, but if they claim it's already clear or it's still blurry after the TSB fix I'm going to try the Novus method.
Think it must be our sunglasses as with them off or regular non tinted glasses the dash lighting is fine. Guess there is not a solution. Thanks for your and everyone else's help ! Regards, Mike
lol. Thanks to Bimmrr for asking this question, and thanks to 32kcolors. I had my 2010 prius for 3 months now and did not look at the manual. Now I know there is switch for it. I feel like the other guys just found the map light now ( in other post). Anyways. Thanks you guys.
2011 Prius gen 2 here, I have an opposite issue. my instrument cluster is too bright at night for dark highway driving. i found this dial you are referring to but it doesn't change a thing that i can see. i am tempted to place a towel over it after i have set the cruise ctrl
Actually i figured it out. I discovered my headlights need to be turned on for the instrument cluster to go dark. thanks this thread helped me figure it out