Carboy...I didn't know what any of that stuff was 3 weeks ago either...perhaps the 100 or so hours I've been on this forum since then has made me a full on Prius Dork already? I even spent the morning stuffing pipe insulation into my upper grill! (search for "grill blocking" and you'll see how far we go for mileage.) I think the car is amazing and I hope you're happily motoring around in one soon. Good luck.
seatown 7: Thanks for your comments. May have to twist the wifes arm. She would be driving any car we buy so her opinion counts. I think she is on the fence regarding the Prius and likes the Altima (non hybrid). I doubt I have spent 100 hours on this forum so far, but I too have learned a lot about the Prius. And find the Prius forums very informative. Will have to bite the bullit soon, nursing two old Camrys now and one will have to go.
Since you're not in a state that the NAH is available in anyway, how about the Camry Hybrid aka TCH or Fusion Hybrid aka FFH? See how they did in fuel economy, esp. city at Best & worst cars review, fuel-efficient vehicles vs. a non-hybrid 4 cylinder Altima. Compare those numbers to
Thanks cewrdna. I will most likely check out the Fusion, but I don't care for the interior of the current Camry. I did check out the info on the sites you quoted above and still lean towards the Prius rather than any other Hybrids.
Hey Carboy, Maybe you could twist her arm telling her she'll spend half on gas compared to any normal vehicle. I know that's obvious, but in your case it would be something $600 a year at current prices and likely mileage. For your 12v on vacation, people on here (pEEf again, and others), have been awesome enough to detail exactly how to disconnect the battery yourself if you're concerned about its life over long vacations, as well as suggesting charging the traction battery before you leave (details in threads...) so there are threads with pictures and everything regarding all that, so I don't think there are any real concerns other than the standard replacement of the 12v like other cars would require as well. The suspense of your shopping is killing me! Can't wait to hear what way you go. Mike
Mike, relax. I will post what happens when and if. Several "balls-in-the-air" at the moment, so it won't be immediate. But thanks for your input.