I got my first "thumbs up," actually it was a peace sign, from a Honda Insight owner today! :mrgreen: While slowing down to make a turn the Insight passed by and I was flashed a "peace" while the occupent checked out my Prius! Rock on hybrid community! :lol:
A good example of a friendly community are the motorcycle people. Long ago the greeting from one biker to another was a raised fist ("power to the people"). This is long forgotten and now it's mostly an open wave. Exceptions occur. There are a lot of Harley Davidson owners who think they are the only ligimate bikers so they only wave to their own kind. Well they'll come around eventually. Maybe they don't wave out of safety concerns after all all that shaking could make you fall off. So a friendly wave Hybrid to Hibrid (not half a peace sign) usually does it. You may even see a biker give you a wave; that's me. Al
You're half right! They don't fall off. But if they take their hands off of the handlebars, the bike just rattles itself to pieces out from under them. :crazyeyes:
The signal I am used to for bikes is kind of a wave with your palm still on the grip. And from my experience Harley riders alone not near the cities will wave to non Harley riders (I had a sport bike) but more than one or in more populated areas I rarely got a wave. A very interesting experience I had once was stopping under an overpass during a thunderstorm. A few more bikers showed up. At first people hung together but when a few more showed up people sorted themselves out into Harley riders, sport bikers and Honda-home (Goldwing) riders. So far I haven't met other other Prii drivers on the road but I have had the usual people come up to me in the parking lot.
Hey, John, are you a ham radio operator? I used to be able to copy 25 wpm on paper, 30 wpm if hard copy was not necessary and the other guy's fist was really clean. Haven't had a rig in over a decade now... lost interest, I guess.
i think ill stick with a headlight flash. i tried the horn thing and with the Prius recommending air conditioning and the windows up, if the stereo is on, i dont think you would hear the horn as the Prius is fairly well sound insulated.