So, I noticed we now have over 10,000 members. If we all chip in $5, we could purchase a Hummer H2 and crush it. Think of the publicity! The news media would LOVE it. The right wing nut jobs would HATE it, but think of the statement. Save a soldier, crush a Hummer. Anybody interested? The Hummer group buy (except we are only buying one). Nate
How can you guarantee that you will actually do that and don't just keep the money or sell your Prius and start driving the Hummer?
Tell you what, Nate -- Buy the Hummer, crush it, post the photos of you crushing it, then I'll send you $5.00
You don't need $50,000. There are plenty of used Hummers in the car lots around here. Luxury packages too. One has been sitting at the local Ford dealers lot for a couple months. Still there. I'll bet it could be had for a lot less than $50,000. I wonder how much energy it would take to crush a Hummer? And you'd have to make sure you recycled as much of it as possible before you crushed it or that's what the story would be.
Since our soldiers drive Hummers, let's crush an Excursion instead. If you are serious, I will give you $20 toward this goal.
I am serious about this goal, but managing the money sounds like a logistical nightmare. Can you imagine having to sign and cash 10,000 checks for $5? I would do Paypal, except they suck as much as GM, and I would want to come up with a way so that nobody was out their cash until the Hummer was purchased. Glad to see there's some interest. Nate
Plan B: Used/salvage Hummer = $20,000. Active PCers at a given period of time = say, 500 (I was shocked when I scanned the member list that about half never made even one post!) So, $400 each. We hire a flatbed truck and driver to make a whirlwind tour of the country in, say, a month (another $10K, so now we're at $600 each. We're paying the driver $200 a day X 30 = $6K Truck + gas = $4k. The driver can sleep and eat at our homes along the way). We devise an itinerary of, say, 50 cities, and a PCer living near each stop arranges a free place where Hummer-hating citizens can take, say, two whacks with a sledgehammer for $5. The 50 people (who can accept contributions from non-participating PCers and from local environmental groups near each stop) need to try to get about 100 or more whackers to turn out, depending on contributions. A month of pre-arranged TV and newspaper coverage. Tripled membership for PC. One less Hummer. Yes, if the PC banner is flown or PC "business cards" handed out, Toyota officials will have to make a denial or two that Toyota had anything to do with it. Bad weather or apathy could make a few stops busts, and pro-Hummer folks may show up and create unpleasantness. But Hammer the Hummer would live in our memories. Right?
:blink: hi my name is terry, i am new to this room, i tried talking with someone the other day but then i realized this is different then chat, because nobody was talking back, oh gosh, then i noticed the dates near the names and nobody had been there to answer me, anyway, i am tired and not feeling like pressing the cap button , just figured i would introduce myself, im from florida
I think you are on to something here. I would gladly pay $120/year ($10/month) for a new type of membership status that funds the "recycling" of emission spewing clunkers, SUVs, beaters, etc. Perhaps the pictures could be posted here each month. Maybe it would be called "The Priustoric recycle of the month" or something along those lines. As membership grows, so do the funds to "recyle" vehicles. I wonder if there is any way to calculate the emissions saved by eliminating each vehicle? Then we could post the stats along with the pictures.
Yes, terry, we received all your posts. Sometimes someone will respond almost instantly, depending on how many at a given time are browsing the threads. Other times it may take up to---hours, depending on the time of day. And the seeming "intrinsic interest" of the name of the thread, regardless of what's in your post.
What would also be really cool, is at the crushing event, after you're done crushing the hummer, the hummer crowd can do a parade past the grandstands, each driving up over the top of a prius on their way by. After 100 or 200 hummers going over the top of a prius, it would be flattened. They'd have more fun, and would only need to spot about 20k to get the job going. For them, 20k is nothing. They spend that in gas each per year.
Theres an Excursion on Auto Trader for $1,550. Talk them down a little, park it next to the highest priced gas station in town, and charge $5 a whack and you could probably make enough for that new Hummer.
Personally I don't think crushing a hummer would make a difference. In fact, I'll bet that you would simply play into the hands of the "redneck" truckers out there who'll respond by crushing a Prius using a Hummer. IMO a better statement would be to organize a mass drive from West Coast to DC and lobby our "leaders" to change their energy policies and beliefs. Can you imagine 10,000 Pri showing up at the Capital? --GD