well, i've done a bunch of searches, and I was wondering if we'd come up with any new and bright ideas regarding after factory nav integration. i've been seriously considering buying the nav package - but i don't really need it. to be honest, i'm *just* as happy if i can get a package 4 and a good, functional aftermarket nav unit. i like to geocache (you still around here newts?) and was wondering if the stock nav unit would allow me to either enter in waypoints or mesh with a palm pilot (i have a tungsten C) to direct me to GPS coordinates, or if I will actually have to use my handheld unit to cache? i can tell that the nav unitwill let me 'see' my current coordinates, but i cant tell if it's a fluid process to enter all the waypoints. i'd actually be terribly disappointed if i actually had to enter each location separatly, i really need an import process. any cachers out there, or people who otherwise need lots of coordinate locations? I'm looking around now at other forums for insight on after factory systems. The way I look at it, it's $3k to upgrade from package 4 to package 6. I dont really care about the music, and i don't use bluetooth, and i've actually heard i might well not like the lighted mirror... but still, pretending those possible uses might be woth $500, i would need to have a whole nav system for $2500. I've heard good things about tomtom, and i've often considered buying a garmin system... i am good with computers, i could likely build a nice small underthe seat unit. I have a small playstation LCD screen if it turns out to be impossible to send it to the MFD. my husband does avionics work,and could likely handle any simple rewiring i needed to do. i'd love to find more cachers here! help me out, guys!
I purchased a Garmin Quest for less than $500 that I believe will do what you need. I switch the Quest between two vehicles (a lot cheaper than the approx $4,000 it would have cost to equip both vehicles w/ factory navigation). The Quest operates off battery as well as aux power, so it can be used say when on vacation walking the streets of a city. When operated on aux power, it has a speaker to provide turn-by-turn directions. It, however, is NOT voice-activated. May want to check it out. I'm happy with mine and the $500 price tag is more in line with how much I use the unit.
for Prius owners without the factory Nav this is a viable option http://www.hybridinterfaces.ca/ and a way less expensive than buying all the factory pieces.
wow, on actual examination of the garmin line, i'm really glad i started to get cold feet. Their 2720 is exactly (and i mean exactly) what i wanted the factory nav system to do. it lets me import points of interest (as coordinates) and then have the car automatically notify my when i either near a point of interest, or have one pass a certain distance from my inputted routes. it does some traffic information (JAX and Orlando, while XMonly does Orlando) it has a touchscreen (something i don't have the technical capability to put ona homebuilt, really) it seems to have a highly rated, intuitive handling scheme, with a nice screen. it's also less than $800 at amazon. i think i'll buy the 2720 (pending the massive amount of research that i'll enjoy till the car comes in) and use the extra $2200 for those nice wet okole seat covers, the 3m film, the leather armrest cover... i'll rpobably somehow get talked into buying my husband a 2720 as well =P
I haven't seen it mentioned here, but just FYI the Prius nav does not do any import or export of coordinates. You can put in POI's but only manually.
i've been reading the manuals, and that is the impression i'd gotten. thanks for confirming it - i still held out a little hope that it was a feature they didn't bother to advertise. unfortunately, for me, that makes the factory nav system worth a good deal less to me. the good folks at gpspassion forums were happy to point out that there is just about nothing i can do that will cost more than the factory nav, and that i'm pretty much gonna be in for an upgrad starting at around $750. the StreetPilot 2730 (brand spanking new, not even released yet) will probably run about $900, maybe a thousand ifi have to have it before xmas. it will do everything i need AND has an MP3 player that gives me more than 10 characters! big yay!
I'm curious as to why your not going with a handheld unit for geocaching? The little bit that I have done meant hiking to those points. A car based one will only put you in the parking area of the trail head. For myself, I will be going with a CarPC so I can also use other software such as Quakemap, EasyGPs and the software designed for my portable GPS a Magellan Color Meridian.
well, i didn't think it was terribly likely BT would allow me to import, but i had hoped. i do have a handheld for caching - two, actually. but i want nav, and i want a nav unit that will tell me when i approach a cache. if i can just upload the caches that are in the states that are in the trip i'm taking, the garmin will do that not to mention, i wanted a functional *normal* nav unit too - the mp3 player and traffic info is just icing