Brrrrr . . . . . a rare event down here. Believe it or not, it snowed in south O.C. California last night, AND this morning. This is a picture of the saddleback mountains that divide O.C. & Riverside Counties. So, it's a tough winter for everyone. Folks in the North East - we feel your pain. Right about now, Tony is calling me a B#st@rd.
The main reason I got the boat out on a winter morning was to get some nice snow shots. There's seldom snow on the local range, as it's only 5,600 feet high. Our town's altitude is only 560' to 1,000. Still, it WAS a whopping 67f degrees yesterday ... not too bad for drifting around: I didn't bring the wide angle lens w/ me ... so I opted to splice 4 shots together. Today, the snow is about 1/2 gone. Beautiful while it lasts, but don't blinik.
What is the white on top of the hills! Looks a little like the rocks here where the seagulls rest and roost. The forground of the single shot looks a little like my work place. Eat your heart out!!