The pet that will probably be closest to my heart died after 13.5 years this weekend - the one in my aviatar. It has not sunken in and like any parent feel responsible for allowing this to happen. It's strange as I grew up a dog person, fond of a border collie mix that seemed like a hyperactive cub. When I broke down to have a pet, it was a Siamese cat - Xena. Of course meezers can't be alone, so I looked for another cat, her brother, then a total opposite - Spencer. Spencer's mom was a orange/white Persian - never saw his father but could see the Manx side with the rabbit hop, the trill in his meow and short stout build that was so opposite of a Siamese. I had to bath him twice to get the fleas off...they nearly hide his face when the rest of him was immersed. Many have had something to do with his upper respiratory disease. Xena bullied him and I put an end to it....not long later Spencer would be top cat without assistance. He wrestled with her for the top perch then was a smiling orange rug. For a number of years I took in cats of all kinds to shelter between the weekends they would get adopted at PetsMart....some would be downright feral. Spencer would stand up to cats twice his weight - he was the boss cat. It was a couple of month's before he got his name....during her funeral, found out that was The Princess of Wales maiden name and a middle name of Winston Churchill (who also had an orange cat). As you can see from the picture, he could be quite a personality. Three years ago, a street cat died of a coronavirus - Spencer sniffed her the day before and must have caught it. He got the same thing and nearly lost his left eye and maybe life, but a vet saved him. A year ago, I had stopped leaving the food out all the time, and fed them 3-4 times a day. Spencer became my wakeup call and greeter at the door - absolutely fearless, sometimes biting me on the ear. He would swipe a loaf of my sandwich from five feet away. I could not eat at home as he was on the counter, on top of the fridge (or even inside it!) Old cans unfit to eat I'd open and Spencer would eat first and ask questions later. In , Spencer would NOT have waited - he would have gotten the gazelle before it hit the tree and had the tree for desert! Friday, there was some leftover sausages, and decided to treat the cats. Yes, people food, but cats eat meat. I did not think to keep it bite-sized for them. I put out five links and went to the car for two minutes. When I returned, I saw Spencer on the ground with blood on his mouth - his eyes already faded. It was evident he tried to inhale the sausage and choked - acting like a starving cat. And yes, in the coming hours/days I'm going to find it very difficult to forgive myself for being careless. Before years ago, I was at a pet forum and we talked about this...I became that irresponsible pet caretaker. Spencer, If only I was half as bold and had been a better parent. On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge I hope we can ....
It's so sad when you're best friend dies. I've had many dogs and cats and each time they leave us its devastating. You will just have to heal and take the time to recover. My condolences
Life sucks then the Spencer's of the world come around and it's better but then they leave too and it sucks all over again. Go find your Spencer or make yourself available to be found by a Spencer and it will get better again. Take your time to honor your friend and with your grief but don't wait around to long. God Bless
Thank you for the kind words everybody. Things are too quiet at the house. Eventually I'll find another alpha-male...if he resembles Spencer much I'll probably call him Bart!
Thank you for the kind words everybody. Things are too quiet at the house. Eventually I'll find another alpha-male...if he resembles Spencer much I'll probably call him Bart!
I found this guy at the Plano pound The resemblance is obvious, although at around 22 pounds/10 kg he is twice as big On the 2nd day I had heartbreak again...I went to a friend's apartment and he was still not settled down. When the door was opened a crack he bolted. Made the mistake of not being calm enough - he jumped into a gutter. This was just before the well-publicized snow/ice storm that hit Dallas during Super Bowl week with 10F lows and subzero wind chill - fortunately he HAS to be Maine Coon. Three weeks later after I pretty much gave up, got a phone call in the middle of the night he came back feeding at my friend's apartment. He still weighed 20lbs after his "vacation" It was funny how her other cats backed off from his size alone - they probably thought he was Arnold. Joked about naming him Hummer, but that would be animal abuse. Spencer II has warmed up to me, but it will be awhile before he mixes with the other cats.
I cried when I read this. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't blame yourself, you weren't thinking about it. Accidents happen. Just remember, Spencer lived an extremely happy and spoiled life. He was very happy to have such a kind and loving human to train and make his own. He was one of the lucky animals that get to experience human love. The pictures of him were adorable, especially when he got shaved. Thank you for sharing this. Again, don't blame yourself.
No foul - I updated it with his successor. Spencer was half-Manx and only lately realize that's why he was so outgoing and dog-like. The video below is a cat that could pass for Spencer less the tail...if I put a plastic shopping bag on like a glove, he would play just like in the video.
Spencer II is really lucky to have a new home, I don't think many adult cats get rescued from the pound.:hail:
Jock V Hey - Spencer (see avitar) had the same pattern and I did not know this! Even the face markings!