"Nippon" is a native name for Japan and is present in the names of many Japanese corporations and I doubt it is derogatory. "Nips" may have been in the context of WWII.
My engine at 7800 miles has produced this noise one time on a 15 degree morning. My concern is the light weight oil used in the gen 3. Perhaps there is a lube problem. The noise sounded a lot like bearing knock to me.
Although it kinda sounds like that, but I doubt it. I would wager if that was the case, there would be a lot of engine failures by this point.
I am no expert on what would cause the engine to fail. However I have the problem and it sounds like no oil for 5-10seconds (the same sound you might get on a car if you change your oil and the system has been drained thoroughly. I'm guessing the # of occurences x the small time under stress with a new 2010 engine = many years until this problem shows up as engine problems. Noone truly knows if there is engine damage until either it fails or an engine is torn down for inspection. I suspect if this problem was greater then 5-10seconds we could make a better argument about engine failure rates. I'm glad the first 2 video's have documented the noise. If your an owner who experiences this noise it is extremely disturbing and even catches the attention of people within 50 feet like your car is falling apart and ready to explode.
I took mine in to have the dealership take a look at it, and discuss the event (it happened to me only once). The dealership I go to for servicing is the largest one in Ontario. The shop foreman is also one of the trained people who work specifically on hybrids. Real friendly guy. I showed him the video that I'd captured of it, and he had a hunch - mostly what others had said about the VVT-i system not being fully presurized on startup. He did mention he had seen that similar type of symptom in a Corolla before. He forwarded the information and video off to Toyota HQ and said he'd keep me posted. -Iain
Had my third event today ('10 with 19k miles). last night moved the car from driveway to garage in sub-32 temps. I tried to EV in but it refused to let me EV, so the ICE ran for perhaps 10 seconds as I pulled in. Started this morning and for ~3 seconds there was a shuddering. NOT the aggressive & loud knocking you hear in these vids, which I've heard before, but just a poorly running vibrating engine. I only noticed it because I'm astute, but it was real. Then it went away.
Re: I like Cheese Nips better than Cheez-Its.... I'm sorry, this is off topic, but no, Nippy is NOT an enthnic slur. It's true the Japanese were refered to in a deragatory way as "Nips" during the fervor of WWII...which is simply an truth of history and human nature.. But the term Nippy has a separate definition... 1. Tending to nip: an exuberant, nippy puppy. 2. Sharp or biting: nippy cheese. 3. "Bitingly" cold: a nippy fall day. Read more: Why do we say "it is nippy outside" when it is cold? | Answerbag Why do we say "it is nippy outside" when it is cold? | Answerbag So if used in context...it simply means what it means... If I used smilies...this is where I would put the one holding the sign that says..."Back to TOPIC!!!!".
Only for your information, many owners in Germany have the exact same problem and have payed their dealers a visit telling them about it and showing them videos like those above but they all claimed it was the first they heared or saw about it ! So here we have the USA and Germany so why shouldn`t it happen around the rest of the World where they sell Prii ( is that plural ? ) ? Toyota definitely must be aware of the problem and they should do something about it ! The sound the engine makes in the Video doesn´t sound healthy to me and i hardly believe Toyota that no damage is beeing done ! Maybe owners who haven`t experienced the problem yet should team up with those who have to put more pressure on Toyota !
I know exactly what sound you are talking about. It sounds kind of like your engine or a machine is going to rest and it sounds terrible for about 7 seconds. That noise has been going on ever since I got my 2007 Prius. But honestly, it's nothing. Once you turn it off, get out of your car and go to the back right side and you can hear it from there. It is actually coming from your 12v battery sending signals to your engine. Sometimes it comes on for me, but it is more often than not. It happens to me when I turn off my car. I have had my car for about 2 years now and nothing has really changed. I do, however, encourage you to stay in your car if you are turning it off and wait til it has stopped just to take note if it is lasting longer than usual. It could also mean that you were using the battery more than the actual engine while driving.