... at least in Japan. According to a Toyota Japan press release, the details of the leases should be finalized by the end of November, with deliveries of those highly sought after Prius PHEVs beginning in mid-December and continuing onward until the country's 200 units are all gone. The release also tells us that "The designated parties are principally participants in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "EV & PHV Towns" program*, which aims to promote the widespread use of electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs)." That target audience follows pretty closely with the scant details we've heard about the US customers. PriusTeam, any new details on the US rollout? Like, when I should expect delivery of mine??? Press Release: 'Prius Plug-in Hybrid' Lease Discussions Begin in Japan; Potential Users Selected from 'EV & PHV Towns' Program Tokyo, Japan, Nov 18, 2009 - (JCN Newswire) - TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) announces that it has started discussions with potential users in Japan of the newly developed "Prius Plug-in Hybrid". Approximately 200 units will be leased through a leasing company to designated parties such as government ministries, local governments and energy companies that are actively promoting environmentally considerate vehicles. The designated parties are principally participants in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "EV & PHV Towns" program*, which aims to promote the widespread use of electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs). Details of the leasing scheme for Japan will be determined through November, with delivery scheduled for mid-December onward. The vehicles will only be leased to parties already designated by TMC. The Prius Plug-in Hybrid is based on the third-generation "Prius" and is equipped with a lithium-ion battery that can be charged using an external electric power source. The vehicle can be used as an EV for short distances, while for medium- and long-distance trips it functions as a conventional gasoline-electric hybrid, meaning use is not constrained by remaining battery power or availability of battery-charging infrastructure. Furthermore, PHVs, such as the Prius Plug-in Hybrid, are expected to achieve higher fuel efficiency than conventional hybrid vehicles, limit consumption of fossil fuels, and reduce CO2 emissions and atmospheric pollution. TMC believes that, to meet the diversification of energy sources, PHVs are currently the most-suitable environmentally considerate vehicles for widespread use. TMC is therefore encouraging PHV market introduction and understanding toward widespread use by introducing a total of 500 units of the Prius Plug-in Hybrid globally - primarily to fleet customers. Approximately 150 units will go to the United States, and more than 150 units will go to Europe, to countries including France, the United Kingdom and Portugal. TMC has positioned hybrid technologies as core environmentally considerate vehicle technologies and is using them in the development not only of plug-in hybrid vehicles but also electric vehicles and fuel-cell hybrid vehicles. TMC will continue its efforts in developing and putting into practical use these next-generation vehicles, which are hoped to contribute to reducing petroleum consumption, reducing CO2 emissions and responding to the diversification of energy sources. * An intensive model program, through the collaboration of the national and local governments, regional businesses and auto manufacturers in Japan, for the introduction and promotion of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles as well as for accelerating the setting up of charging infrastructures and the development of societal awareness and preparedness. Each participating local government is to submit by around the end of this financial year a master plan that reflects the progress of its action plan. About Toyota Supported by people around the world, Toyota Motor Corporation (TSE: 7203; NYSE: TM), has endeavored since its establishment in 1937 to serve society by creating better products. Today, the Company manufactures vehicles and parts at 53 production sites in 27 countries and regions around the globe and is an active member in the communities it serves. In fiscal 2009, ended March 31, 2009, the Toyota Group sold approximately 7.56 million vehicles in 170 countries and regions under the Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu, and Hino brands. For more information, please visit www.toyota.co.jp/en/index.html. Contact: Toyota Motor Corporation Corporate Communications Department/ Public Affairs Division Tel: +81-3-3817-9150 URL: http://www.toyota.co.jp/en
MMMMmmmm! Must be package V. . . . . . . fog lights. Ok Toyota, were WAITING. Still no place to sign up. Still no one to even talk to about ordering. (sigh). Enough with the torment already!
We just love tormenting you guys. j/k Probably during the first year of the demonstration program, all the vehicles will be tied up doing the technical and consumer research. Some media will get their opportunity too. After that point, I HOPE**** that we can start getting some other people in the cars. Trust me, if and when there is a time to sign up, you'll know it. Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA ****Please note the use of the word "HOPE"
I'll bet anybody, any sum of money (well, up to 50 cents), that it will be generally available here in the U.S. about the time the Chevy Volt is available. Keith
Dangit!! Finally a wager I can afford but I don't want to bet against it. Most of us remember what happened with the EV1 and RAV4 lease programs. I think there's a bit of gun-shyness about leasing brand new technology. This isn't to say that I would refuse, just that I would much prefer to buy my new and unproven technology knowing that it can't be taken away. Oh and Doug: You're the best. Seriously. You and Erica. Greatest people I've ever known. There are no equals. If there's any way I can show my appreciation (such as signing up for PHEV testing in the US) just say the word.
From a marketing standpoint, I would see it as a brilliant move on Toyota's part to want to steal the spotlight away from the Volt at the right timing. Much like Apple released the 3GS the day after Palm released the Pre. haha. excellent timing. As GM hypes up the Volt release date, Toyota should run a commercial saying "The Plug In Prius is Here!!! Test Drive one at your local dealer right now!" Meanwhile GM says "it's on the cargo ships, on the trains, in transit. really, we swear it is!" haha.
Please put me up high on the list. Will the plug in version require a special outlet or will any grounded GFI work?