Is everyone paying list price for their car or has anyone found a dealer that wound actually budge on the price?
Not now, but for people that put their order in Dec.-Jan. some actually got it for less that MSRP. With demand the way it is, getting MSRP now is a pretty good deal. Supply vs. Demand
You'll find the Order Tracking forum has more information than you could possibly digest - not just who's getting MSRP, but also where they're buying and which package/colors, whether they're flexible and how long they're waiting. A great resource. Some folks have found dealers that will give slightly less than MSRP or some small add ons (floor mats) but most placing orders are paying MSRP or more.
The dealer I went to is part of a big chain of several different brands. They advertise a "bottom line price" idea, no need to negotiate the price you pay. Their "bottom line" price is usually something less than MSRP, but slightly above invoice. On the Prius when I placed my order it was $500 less than the MSRP on the toyota web site.
I had gone through the Costco Auto Buying program and got $500 off of MSRP. That was in October though so, I'm not sure if that is still valid. Worth a shot though if you are a member of Costco. (I think BJ's and Sam's Club have similar services as well.)
At least in Seattle Washington, you can no longer buy the Prius through the Costco program. I joined in late February, walked through the on-line web purchase program, and was told "this car is not part of the Costco purchase program." Doesn't surprise me -- the increased demand and waiting lines made it no longer practical to do through Costco, I suspect. PS I still think highly of the Costco program, though -- even if you don't buy a car through them. I wanted to compare several other cars (Ford Focus, Toyota Matrix, Mazda3) against a Prius, and was able to set up appointments with dealerships through Costco. Found that there was much less sales pressure and the usual stupidity and delay at the dealership. Still ended up wanting a prius, though!
The only people who got in under list were probably those who got REALLY lucky, or those who were Pioneer buyers. I paid less than list on my car.
I work as a salesman in NJ for a Toyota store and list price no longer applies!!! It is MSRP because we dont know what the prices will be so far in the future. Wait time is about 18 months at out store.