I am a proud owner of a brand new 2010 Pruis. :cheer2: Im not too familiar with my car and was hoping you guys could help me with my questions. I do have a 2010 and not sure about model or generation. Well, I have two questions. Sure, I can look in my manuel, but who does that? What is ecomode and when do I use it? Im taking it that u use ecomode in the city and what do I use on the fwy? Does the gearing change? My other question is, dont I get to drive in the carpool lane now solo? How does that work? Do I not get a sticker for my bumper giving me permission to? Thanks, Sonia :cheer2:
2010 and 2011 are 3rd gen. As for carpool lane stickers and/or being able to drive solo in them, it depends on the state. What state are you in?
With the questions you've asked so far and you being in CA, you're definitely NOT eligible for carpool lane stickers in order to drive solo in HOV lanes during restricted hours. You are many years too late. See Clean Air Stickers High Occupancy Vehicle HOV Lane Usage and http://green.autoblog.com/2007/02/03/no-more-carpool-stickers-left-for-hybrid-owners-in-california/. http://pressroom.toyota.com/pr/tms/toyota/toyota-announces-prices-for-2010-89249.aspx might help you determine which model and package you have. The prices are out of date though.
Its a very basic model, but for sure a 2010. WOW, I royally f'd up. Is there any way to change the spelling on my username to Prius? And, can you please tell me about the settings for driving mode. Ecomode, etc
If you want a sticker, you should have bought an old Prius, totalled it, then bought a new Prius and transfer the sticker. But you already bought the new Prius, so too late, I guess...
Eco mode makes the accelerator pedal less responsive to driver input. That's it. The idea is that by the pedal being less responsive, you'll drive at a more leisurely pace which will improve your realized mpg.
I'm sure a moderator can let you change it but please don't! It's original and unique, to many of us have unimaginative user names. The only difference in ECO, PWR, or normal (one of the other two not selected) is how much response you get from the first half of the gas pedal. The total amount of power at more than half throttle is the same in all three. I use ECO because it provides finer control, but try them all and select the one you like. If you change your user name people may ignore your posts.
your statement above is NOT correct. that is...the sticker stays with the original car. so if the Pruis with an assigned sticker is totaled, then the sticker is totaled. stickers cannot be transferred. if you then purchased another Prius, you would need to apply for a new sticker and, as you are probably aware, Prius stickers are long-gone, no more being issued. besides the fact that all "hybrid" carpool stickers expire in several months, on 7/1/11.
Sorta.... per http://dmv.ca.gov/vr/decal.htm: However, I doubt creativeguy's tactic would've worked since the the 2nd owner of the Prius w/the stickers isn't an original owner.
This is incorrect. You can indeed request a replacement sticker for a new hybrid if your original HOV-stickered hybrid is declared a total loss. I have seen a few such HOV-stickered Gen III.
So, let's say that someone who had the original carpool stickers only put two of them on the car (hypothetically speaking, of course). Could they now buy a new Prius and put the other two stickers on it and tell the curious officer that the previous one was totalled? Assuming that Jerry Brown extends the HOV sticker program for a while longer...
You could try it, but there's a few problems with that: 1. Legally, the car is required to have all four stickers. Having only 2 is enough that the officer could give you a ticket, if he wanted. 2. I believe the stickers have serial numbers, which is registered somewhere to the particular vehicle they were issued for. If the officer cares enough to look it up, he could give you a ticket on those grounds as well. 3. If you drive in the carpool lane, lie about being allowed to do it, and get caught, you're likely to get in WAY more trouble than if you just drove in the lane without the stickers. 4. The stickers are ugly! 5. They expire soon anyway. Go buy a CNG Civic or something if you really need to use the carpool lane. Or, better yet, arrange a carpool!
#1, #2 and #5 are correct. (I have CA HOV stickers but no longer live in CA) When you receive the HOV stickers, you also receive a card that you're required to carry in your car. It has the sticker # and (IIRC) the VIN of your car. I'd imagine that if one were pulled over missing 2 stickers while in the HOV lane, you'd be asked to produce the card, which the officer could then check.