I was driving to Seattle and back today. There is a very prominent Hummer dealer just next to I-5 in Fife WA. So going up I noted that there are a lot of Hummers sitting on the lot. There is a Giant billboard on the edge of the dealership. I don't even remember what is on it going north. Then we came back and on the edge or the Hummer dealership is a giant blue billboard saying "Is your tank half full?" underneath TOYOTA Hybrid Synergy Drive and our favorite symbol in the bottom right! I don't know who arranged this but I would love to meet him or her!
I was thinking the same thing. I have a day off on Wednesday. Do you think the SHP would object too much if I stopped on the shoulder and take a picture.
No worries man, go for it! Just don’t let the Hummer dealer know what you are doing. You just may see a ‘roid raged hummer-sales-dude hop into an H1 and try to accelerate over any and all barriers between you and the dealership. You should probably consider going undercover by not driving your Prius. B)
Ah yes my old Ford Explorer! Stealth mode, deep throat! Should I get a rain coat? Fedora and sunglasses.
I saw the sign on Sunday the 30 but was not back in the area until today and it was gone!!! Replaced by a watch ad. I don't know if it had been up all month or just a few days. The dealership is a Cadillac,SAAB Hummer dealer and is large. Maybe the owner had a little talk with VICOM about ad budgets. It was great while it lasted, I feel bad I did not get the picture. Should have used the cell phone but I don't think of it as a camera.
I will be headed down that way tomorrow. If the weather is not too ugly, I will try for a pic. I'm not holding my breath as bad rain and wind is expected. I should try to get my plates in the pic too! Ha Ha
oh bummer i went right by it Sat night and didnt see it... but must admit was in a rather animated discussion about 1980's era concerts so probably missed a lot obtw!! there is a great discussion on Global Warming today on PBS channel 9 KCTS 8 pm