Date Ordered: 11/6/03 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Oakbrook Toyota Timeframe given for delivery: originally 2-3 months Color: black Option Package: 9 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: #1 now! So I got a call from my salesman earlier this week asking me about a car that had just become available, that had everything I wanted except interior color. (I want gray not ivory) I turned it down and asked when my order would come. He didn't know but since this other car was coming in about a month, it could be another two months! That would put my total wait at 6-7 months. At this point I let him know that my decision had become to wait for this car which might take another two months or to go with another vehicle. I let him know that since I placed my order my family now needed another car and that I had a road trip planned with a Prius (not my 93 Tercel). So our conversation ended with "I'll let you know if I decide to cancel my order." Next day, I got a call that he had traded the ivory interior for a gray interior and my car will be here in 3-4 weeks!!! I'm ecstatic! Now comes all the insurance and financing details to wrap up
I took possession yesterday!! I love it! I've already gotten numerous compliments and the driving is so smooth. I'm completely enamoured. Six months and two days, a long time but now it's worth it. Good luck to all who are still waiting. -tigrelily627
Congratulations, tigrelily627!!!!!!!! Interesting that we're both in the same area, ordered the same package, were given about the same time frame for delivery (3 months), and wound up waiting about the same length of time (6 months) for the car. Time, now, to enjoy which I am 100% certain we will both have no problem with whatsoever!