When I first leased my 2010 Prius back in June of 2010, I was able to use the EV mode up to 25 miles an hour. Once it hit 26 or if I were to accelerate to quickly, it would disengage. Now, actually some months back, I've tried using EV mode but it always disengages after 10mph no matter what I do. I've talked to the service dept at my local Toyota dealership but they have no answers for it. If anyone here has any ideas or some questions for me that could lead to an answer, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
EV mode has two modes... One when the engine is cold that only allows you to go up to 10 mph and one when the engine is warm that allows you to go up to about 26mph. If you're turning on ev mode before the ice warms up then you'll be limited to 10mph.
Depending on what hemisphere you're in, two months ago means the onset of winter time temperatures when the ICE needs to run more too.
Yeah it could have to do with the cold weather. I'll check into what Brett said about when I try to engage it, whether the car is cold or warmed up. Thanks for the suggestions!
I get the message that "EV mode is not available' almost every time I try to use it. Sometimes it's cold, and I understand that, but it seems to me like it is very rarely available for me to use. It is very cold here in NE PA, so maybe that's the reason. REV
Two modes? Your warm Florida climate is showing. Those of us with cooler weather have three modes. There is no EV at all when the engine starts with a coolant temperature below 68F, until it gets most of the way through warmup. Temperature thresholds are lower in most of the world outside the U.S.
Well as it turns out, it could just be the cold weather. I came home after driving a bunch of errands which meant that the car was more than warmed up. I first turned off the heated seats and turned off the heater and I coasted into my neighborhood at 24mph and it said EV mode was unavailable. Once I dropped down to 9mph I was able to engage it but it turned off at 11 even though the meter was reading 2 bars below full on the battery and the meter for electric vs motor was full electric....hmmmm.... I think I'm going to have to wait until warmer weather and try again.
It was fifty degrees here for a change, so after 10 minutes of driving I could press EV and meander through the shopping mall roads n lots at 20mph.
155°F is the cutoff. When the coolant temperature drops to that, you lose that extra EV power (white on the Eco-Meter). So if you were to get a ScanGauge, you can actually see when it's available. Stealth (electric-only) up to 46 MPH is available, but only in the green on the Eco-Meter. .
Also, if your accelerator foot is too heavy; i.e. press too firmly, too quickly, "EV Mode" will disengage. More likely, it's engine temperature and outside temperature issues.