So for all of you iPod and Prius geeks... Is there a version of iPod (orig, nano, touch etc) that the audiobooks work better on? I have a 3rd generation 160gb iPod which works fine with the interface, but my audiobooks start over every time I turn the car off/on. I thought I read that the touch didn't do this. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I have the same generation iPod Touch that I use for audiobooks most of the time. The USB connection did the same thing too me. I ended up using the Bluetooth connection and it works great. It doesn't allow selection from the Nav unit but it does pause automatically when starting/stopping the car and phone calls. Also allows for play/pause from the BT menu on the Nav unit. The up/down buttons on the Nav unit work for fast forward/rewind as well. My books usually come in multiple parts and it has no problem automatically beginning or switching parts once the book is started. The only drawback is that you have to charge the iPod yourself. If I left the USB cable plugged in it would charge but the audio system would always default to the USB instead of the Bluetooth when you start the car. I kind of like it because I don’t have to unplug the iPod all the time and I can put it anywhere I want. Even carry it on me. It connects automatically.