Gents, This may have been answered before but i cant find it. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Fuel Bladder Failure/Rupture? 07 Prius with 63000 miles. My last fill up I was at two Pips and it took 8.4 gallons to fill. Outside temp was around 38. And I average arond 44MPG. (New Prius Driver) Also what is the Estimated/Ballpark Mileage per PIP?
To be specific, the engine ECU will log a DTC if there is a problem with the fuel tank. A sensor monitors the air quality between the bladder and the fuel tank wall, and if fuel vapor is present the sensor will detect that. When the engine ECU logs a DTC, the check engine light will appear.
As above, fuel volume changes are not an indication of a failure in the fuel bladder system. They are an indication that either it's cold or the fuel pump nossle was not set correctly or your method of filling is not optimal.
what is your issue? 8.4 gal. at 2 pips sounds about right, 44 mpg sounds about right and ball bark mileage per pip would be 50mpg (but i got that out of right field)
There is no ballpark miles per pip. The outside temperature has a lot to do with how many miles you get per pip and it is not linear. The "guess" gauge is just an indicator. I suggest you fill up at 2 pips and you will have no problems.
Also what is the Estimated/Ballpark Mileage per PIP? Firepa is correct. I've gotten as much as 115 mi on a single pip and as little as 25. He is also correct about when to refuel. Dropping to one pip or waiting for the audio low fuel warning may be cutting it too close. David