It seems we don't have a gas price discussion thread so I'll start one off with this. Gas pump prices hit 28-month high - Yahoo! Finance
What grade/octane rating and do you all have Ethanol in your fuel? I last filled up at my local Tesoro with Regular/87, E10 price per gallon $3.539. The price goes up roughly 10 cents per grade.
for 87 with 10% e10 it is run $1.11/L over $100 to fill up the truck but I do get a lot of travel points
It's $3.19 in most of Northern Indiana. I filled up Tuesday at a Sam's Club that had not raised their price yet so I got it for $2.90.
We gasoline consumers ae definitely trapped in a market of too few suppliers and too many buyers. As a result, we've become a captive market. I wish we had more clout over the oil suppliers to help us stabilize pricing. This is just not a reaction to what we pay at the pump, but also what we pay in higher consumer goods and foods for transporation. Will someone please give me a rational, logical, make sense explanation while diesel costs more than gasoline? I can't think of any reason other than supplier greed. I do realize that gasoline prices also include state and federal taxes. For some countries (Europe, UK?), these taxes are significant. With that said, are your fuel tax dollars being spent wisely by your government? I suppose the real solution is us consumers getting out of the gasoline consumption habit by buying more hybrid, electric and non-petroleum fuel-based vehicles. I would really enjoyfilling up the tank with a couple gallons of water (re: hydrogen) and go about my merry way! I'm afraid that scenario is just too many years into my future. Lastly, does anyone subscribe to their GPS NAV networks for local gasoline prices? For example, my TomTom has an optional local gas price feature, but costs to subscribe. I just have not yet done it. I wonder if it's worth the extra money for folks who don't drive a lot of miles.
You probably don't want to know what our prices are since they typically average among the cheapest in the country but regular unleaded 87 octane 10% Ethanol is $2.85 and 87 octane 0% Ethanol is $2.98 this morning. At the extremes the 87 octane ranges from $2.83 (cash only E10) to $3.15 0% Ethanol. Prices are definitely headed up.
Yikes; check out your state/federal gasoline taxes at this link: It's a U.S. map of states with each states total gas tax noted. I couldn't copy the graphic, but the link is fast and easy. My North Carolina total is 51.2 cents, while neighboring South Carolina is 35.2. I live about 50 minutes from SC, so I think it's just a bit too far to drive for the savings.
I filled up on Monday in Davis, CA at Arco. Regular Unleaded was $3.45 Diesel #2 was $3.71 At Chevron and Union76 in Lincoln, regular unleaded was $3.55. In the same town regular unleaded at Raley's was $3.43.
If you check prices, you will probably find that taxes play very little to no part in the actual prices at the pump, tax might be low or high, but the price will still be very close to what oil companies want. Thus it might be $3.50 a gallon with a 50 cent tax in one state, and $3.50 a gallon in the next state with 35 cents in tax. Having no tax at all, I'm betting that the price would change very little, but having no tax would create a massive burden on transportation expenses like roads and bridges, as it is now, the tax is actually probably too low in many states, since road infrastructure has not kept up with need.
At one time, VA considered eliminating the per gallon tax in lieu of a "miles driven" tax. Obviously, they won't do this as I can't imagine how it could be legitimized, verified or enforced. Crazy, what states will do when their tax revenue takes a hit!
This is not the case. Those of use who live near a border with a gas tax disparity, like PA/NJ or NY/NJ, or as someone mentioned above NC/SC, can attest. Also if you look at NJ and DE on a site like gasbuddy, the difference in average price is almost exactly the difference in tax between the states.
You are so right, amazing what a difference 3 entire cents, wow, the savings is astronomical. Average Prices By State - South Carolina Gas Prices