I've been looking through the forum, but I thought I'd just dive in and ask what I wanted to know: 1. Is it possible to get the 07 or 08 European brochures anywhere? I've searched, but no luck so far. 2. What are the configurations of the base 07/08 models and what are considered the best options? To be clear, I currently live in Belgium - and it's not really obvious to me what was "standard" and what came as options. For instance, the rear-view camera and/or reversing sensors - standard or options? The only thing I see that I really want as an option is the Navigation. That's it really. I've never driven a Prius (looks fun tho), but I need a 2nd car by mid-May and given I only drive 28km per day in stop/start traffic (avg 18km/h!) I've had enough with constant clutch/break driving - not to mention I'll be buying this on my company so the tax incentive does wonders for my motivation! I don't want to go for a new Prius as I reckon that I'll buy one of the new breed of Hybrids in about 18 months (e.g Peugeot 3008 or Opel Ampera if they get realistic with the price). Thx all!
For the 2007 Prius brochures, try this link at Toyota Certified Used Cars: http://www.toyotacertified.com/ebrochures/07_prius.pdf I'm sure you'll get the other years as well. Best wishes with your research.
Unfortunately, we don't keep brochures for other countries in our database. Your best bet is hope that some of the European owners on PriusChat can help you out and maybe point you to a source. Aside from the UK, I think most of western Europe has similar specs on the Prius with a few country-specific changes.
Should I ask in the main GenII forum to see if anyone has the brochure then? I don't want to stomp all over board etiquette...