Just went for a test drive after using 3m's 3 part kit to clean tp and intake. Check eng lite came on after <1 mile. Went and filled up, light still on. Car runs fine. I cut a shirt into long strips to snake into intake, past tp to soak up all the fluid. Mentioning this because this is the only deviation from the instructions. Yes, the fuel cap is on tight, any suggestions?
You have discovered why it is better to remove the TP from the housing before cleaning it. Nothing to do now but drive. The CEL will go out five starts after the cleaner and gunk have burned out of the engine, I think...
Yeah, I figured that the little tube inserted past the sensor far enuf to not get any cleanser on it. Guess I figured wrong, If the light stays on longer than mentioned, is there any fix for it?
1. Buy a can of mass air flow sensor cleaner. Remove the MAF sensor from the air cleaner housing, clean the sensor, then reinstall. 2. The Toyota TSB regarding Classic throttle body cleaning suggests that you remove the air cleaner housing from the throttle body. Then apply throttle body cleaner to a cloth or paper towel, and use that to scrub off the deposits on the throttle body interior and throttle plate.
Thanks, I appreciate the prompt, informative replies, gonna go get the MAF cleaner, and then try and tackle my ICE coolant change, AFTER reviewing info on this site!!