For those who have an account on TiVoCommunity, do check out TiVo Community. The poster wanted to supply coffee for meeting of ~100 people and doesn't like Starbucks, for some reason. The thread was pretty funny, IMHO.
Well, I'm prejudiced. I not only love NPR, I feel privileged to be allowed to donate a few hours of my time and selections from my large record collection to do a once monthly, three hour, uninterrupted show featuring real music on KPRG, Public Radiofor Guam. It would be difficult for me to overstate how much joy it brings me, or how gratified I am by the audience response. The last show featured (among others) Luther Allison, Albert King with Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jonny Lang, Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, The Who, Jeff Beck, Ry Cooder, Shemekiah Copeland, Talking Heads, The Zombies, Sonny Landreth and real (not pop) Van Morrison. What are the odds of hearing any of that in between the horrifying (in both content and frequency) commercials on "normal" radio? I LOVE listening to actual in depth reportage and stories. Terry Gross? Worth my annual donation right there. This American Life, All Things Considerd, and BBC News are bonuses. Also, my One Great Claim to Fame is that I am the only Guamanian ever to have appeared on Car Talk (ahem). Starbucks? Why? For about $10 per month, I brew REAL coffee at home. Weekends, it gets a taste of Bailey's, otherwise real milk is just fine. I still cannot figure out whatinHisname drives people to wait in line for inferior coffee at $4 a cup or more. As for my Prius -- I haven't so loved a machine since I gave up motorcycles.
I do listen to NPR perhaps 2/3rd of the time on way to work. The other 1/3 Rover Radio (a complete antithesis of NPR). Starbucks is vile stuff, though, tastes like a colostomy bag. Tim Hortons or Dunkin Donuts only.
NPR=yes Starbucks=NEVER have, NEVER will....only locally roasted Shade-grown Organic beans for me, preferably Chiapis beans to help the rebels... Vote=Green Party
NPR yes I do enjoy it allot Starbucks Only when I have to. I prefer good coffee. Local shops with quality beans. Not bashing Starbucks, they do a pretty good job taking care of their employes and buying good beans to start with but then they burn them so....
Im definately not the typical prius driver. Im 19, african-american, listen to hip-hop, don't really care about getting good mpg. Both my parents are doctors, listen to npr, and also drive prii though...
NPR - Yes...but more often I listen to the VERY best public radio station KEXP! Starbucks - Yes...I live in Seattle...not going to Starbucks is a punishable being from Jersey and not having a Springsteen CD in your car...but then I'll stop at any of the other 14,793 coffee shops we have in this town as well.
Prius - Yes, 2 of them Starbucks - Occassionally when I'm in the mood for a mocha, but prefer my Keurig NPR - Never have, never will
-- Just curious -- why not? Lotsa good stuff there (although I reserve the right to change channels, or hit "CD" at any given time).
There is good stuff there, but the only thing I've found that suits my personal interests is Car Talk, and I'm rarely in the car when they're on, so stream them on the web at my convenience.