I've seen various posts saying that one of the core reasons for liking the Prius was the Hatchback design. If someone could please educate me on why that is such a good thing and a big deal, I'd appreciate it. I personally find it obstructive to my vision (which is important to me) and no greater advantage over just having a traditional trunk. Perhaps I may appreciate it, if I have some good reasons in favor of it, but for now I just see it as an awkward vision obstruction. If not for the fact that I like what Toyota is doing, the innovation and the particular take on the Hybrid technology, I'd go HCH because I'm not all sold on the whole 'hatchback' ideal yet. Thanks!
I like the 60/40 folding seats. That, and the hatchback means you can carry some very big items by folding down the seats that you'd probably have problems with in the Civic. I was able to move from college to where I live now in basically one trip with my Prius. Packed the back full with everything. Even managed to fit my big office-style leather chair back there somehow...
I guess it depends on what's important to you. If you don't already see the benefit, you probably never will. A hatchback is somewhere between a trunk and a van. You can flop the seats down to grow the space as required, and in the meantime it has a lot more headroom for 'stuff' than a trunk would. In general, just more carrying capacity.
My last car (1990 Ford Probe) was a hatchback. Previously I had 2 Mercedes (1967s both) which had a trunk. It was odd at first, but I did like being able to put larger objects in by folding down the rear seats. The way the Prius is set up (with no lip) makes it even easier. Compared to what I used to have, I don't find any obstructions. If it bothers you (and you says it's important), then sell the Prius and go HCH.
The hatchback style offers better aerodynamics than a trunk. You can also fit more stuff, and longer stuff, in a hatchback than you can in a trunk, and it's easier to get at. If you have dogs, they'll like the hatchback way better than a trunk. (Yes, I know this is predominantly a cat site. That's why I thought you might like the mental image of dogs stuffed in the trunk. Most cats are too smart to travel in cars in the first place.) And I don't see it as an "awkward vision obstruction" at all. The two windows, despite the spoiler in the way, seem to offer vision just as good or better than the trunk style.
I find the hatchback extremely versatile. One week it's a cart-your-parents-to-the-other-side-of-the-state car (400 miles one way). Plenty of passenger room, more than adequate luggage storage to boot (pun intended for the UK readers). Next week it's a haul-a-fullsize-wheelbarrow-and-8'-lumber EUV (environmental utility vehicle), with the hatch closed. No passengers this time, but still very handy to be able to fold seats down! During the week it'll haul the lunch crowd, then for the weekend camp trip for myself and the family (significant other and blind pug), it's down with the seats and load up with ease (even room under the rear floor for tent and air mattress!) One weekend this past summer, we went biking with 4 adults , 1 child in child seat, 4 bikes on a hitchmount bike rack, plus baby bike cart in the back storage area, no problems. Still got 49 MPG on the round trip of 100 miles with A/C. I was and still am impressed with this car. It really can do it all. Again, the stuff one can haul with the Prius is limited only by height, even tall stuff might go in sideways...
Oh, I actually have two dogs. This is the kind of feedback (all thoughout I'm interested in) My civics both have the backseat which can fold down, but it doesn't fold all the way down. So I could see some additional ability to fit even more things in it. If it is better for aerodynamics I'm all game for that as well.
Yeah... I can come up with a list of stuff i've managed to cram into my Prius that may make a smaller car cry... 1. Kitchen table set with 4 chairs (not assembled) 2. Office chair + all types of stuff from college 3. 30" TV from Best Buy... Not all at once, of course .
It is my understanding Prius is a Liftback, not a Hatchback. I like the 60-40 split on the rear seats. I can carry my bicycle or passengers - more versatile. I do have problems with a "fake" spare tire. I don't miss the trunk.
Any Prius sailors around? I was able to stuff nine bags of sails from a 30' sailboat (including a mainsail which was rolled not folded) in my Prius.
Another benefit of the hatchback (that's what we call it in the UK, anyway) is that you get a rear wiper, something I sorely miss in my Classic. In fact, I delayed getting my first Classic by a year because I wasn't sure I could live without the rear wiper, having had one on every car since 1980, some 600,000 miles. It's about the only thing I still get to hate about my Prius. I still don't understand why this is a hatchback feature, one or two saloons (sedans?) have them - I wish they all did - I don't especially need the hatchback apart from this, but I don't object to having it either. When I had a Volvo a few years ago, I had the estate (station wagon?) JUST to get the rear wiper. I also really, really HATE the silly spare tyre - one of the major factors that stopped me swapping my Classic for the new model.
You have 2 dogs and didn't see the benefit of the hatchback? What are they? They must be small. The Hatchback is a wonderful thing. Hopefully you'll learn to appreciate it. With the seats down, you can fit tons of stuff int here. I traded my Jeep in for the Prius and can almost fit just as much stuff in it. In addition, I also have a dog (65lbs) and he fits perfectly in the back with the seats up. Something I prefer to having him sit on the seats or having to put the seats down. I've never drive a vehicle with a trunk
It's much easier to grab groceries out of the back of the Prius, than out of the back seat of a four door or out of a trunk. If you go grocery shopping every week, there's a lot of benefit there. Not sure what point there is to having a rear wiper though. Especially the Prius' mini-rear-wiper. Personally, I'd rather have heated glass.
I've heard several complaints about the compact spare. They save space, gas, and still manage to be at least marginally useful on the rare occasions they're needed. Do we have a choice? Are there still cars that come with a full-sized spare?
In the summer when our Ice Cream store is in operation and our concessions stands and the lake, our Prius doubles as a delivery truck. Something is could NOT do without the hatchback design. When I have alot of boxes I can fold down the rear seats and since it's "trunk" area is open when I run Ice Cream and other dairy products around I put the A/C on Full Blast and it doubles as a refrigerated delivery truck LOL. If it wasn't for the hatchback design I'd still be using my Chevy Venture.
For someone with reduced mobility or a bad back, the hatchback design is a godsend. I have neither, but my 80+ year old mother also likes how high the Prius seats are. It is very easy for her to get in and out of the front passenger seat and also grab stuff from the “trunk.†I’ve too have noticed how much more difficult it is getting out of a regular, low-slung, car. Youth is wasted on the young.
I love the hatchback, makes the vehicle 10 times more versitile. I have a Lexus ES that I drive and my fiance drives the Prius. I had a Ford Explorer before I got the Lexus. I personally like having a trunk for myself because being in Real Estate I always have all kinds of junk I carry around (signs, files, etc) and it doesn't bother me moving around in the trunk like it did in the cargo area of the Explorer. Let me tell you, the Prius will haul almost as much as that Explorer did. Plenty of room for vacations, we've hauled TVs, furnature, boxes, animals, you name it. Plus the hatch is easily tied down if you have something that just won't quite fit. I always thought I'd want at least one SUV in the family and even considered buying one as a third vehicle, but with the Prius it isn't neccisary. I have a co-worker that just traded her Tahoe for a Prius and she says the same thing, the Prius holds so much stuff she doesn't miss the room in her Tahoe.
your not missing anything with that PU rear wiper on the G2's and it won't stand up to allow you to clean the rear window unless you do the 2 minute mod to it. In fact you can't rise it high enough to get a squgee under it to wash the window at a petrol station. In England the wiper is mounted on the proper side but in NA it's mounted on the wrong side and interfeers with your vision.