gorgeous, and well put together! bring it around again next july when it hits 100f. right now, i would prefer the view from hawaii.
What always impresses me about this part of Michigan, are the beautiful sand dunes. I don't think folks realize what a potentially great vacation destination area this is, all within a very natural setting. Of course, vacationers won't find Myrtle Beach shopping malls, nightclub life and over-priced resturants without driving a good distance. Of course, Traverse City is pretty cool, and I love Tree Tops golf course which is first class!
Very cool! It gave me some ideas for my own slideshows I create for work. I usually don't put tags to the photos detailing location or species. I need to do that. It makes the slideshow more interesting.
"Interesting snow drift colors ... like cappuccino"... In the 25 years I spent in MN, I never once thought to wax poetic about dirty snow. What do you people have in your water up there, Tom? :huh:
Thanks for sharing, I never associated Michigan with scenic beaches like that. Lots of biodiversity, the only thing I missed was some old growth forest.
Our forests were lumbered back at the time of the Chicago fire. There are only a few spots where old growth survived: mostly in swaps on islands. Just as an interesting fact, Michigan has 3,288 miles of shoreline, including 1,056 miles of inland shoreline. This is more than any other state, excepting Alaska. Tom
Nature doesn't need to be admired for its beauty. It does, however, need to be left alone by humans in many cases. In other cases, we have screwed it up so bad that it requires human management.