I have driven 25,xxx miles on my 2010 Prius. Three times during the last thousand miles I have experienced very loud and scary engine noises during start up. The car had sat for at least ten hours outside in 20-30 degree weather. I took the car into the dealership for an oil change and my service advisor told me that Toyota was aware of the problem and the noise was not coming from the engine- but a device that mates the ICE with the electric engine. He told me that although it was a loud and dangerous sounding noise, it was not something that would harm my motor. I asked that the noise be logged into my service record.
Thanks for the heads up. Can't imagine that is where the noise is coming from but hey, they should know... right?
there are many post on here with this subj; I think it is the engine, and the dealer is full of it,, my 2010 did this just after i bought it. IT SOUNDED LIKE PRE IGNITION AND THEN THE ENGINE WAS RUNNING BACKWARDS These are a very high compression engines and if the intake valve were to close too quickly it could go into pre ignition. normally the intake valve stays open some on the compression stroke compared to normal ICE. as i understand it''
32K colors. what is your theory this time?? Very interested in what your special bio research / bs detector abilities are telling you? What does i8z do for a living? do they own a prius? are they a troll? Please do tell
Not really; 9.something compression and about 13 expansion, through the magic of variable valve timing. Because motor/generator #1 spins up the engine before fuel and spark are applied it is not credible that the engine could ever run backwards.
Just a hunch based on the many threads in which the OPs were told erroneous information by their service manager/dealer. Nothing wrong with the OP here. Moreover, many regular posters here would've been told this if it were true, not just one OP.
Add my 2010 Prius V to the list, Just purchased with 12,500 miles and does the same thing for 3 to 6 seconds! The day i picked it up from the dealer it did it to the sales guy and when i questioned him he said it was nothing and could not reproduce it. Now after over a week it has done about four times in the morning only. I will try and video this also and post it. the more people post it the better chance Toyota looks into it. This is my first Toyota but i have to say I'm disappointed, I'm a huge Ford & Subaru guy and have i absolutely wanted to love this Prius but i might just trade it in for a Focus EV now. It not only has an engine knock it also rattles inside like a cheap econobox, this is a $32,000 Prius V! Wth was i thinking selling my 2005 Outback XT-LTD
This is fairly incredible coming from Toyota. Must be extremely rare happening in a Toyota, yet it's happening in Prius and seems to be popping up here and there.
"Toyota is aware of it" Probably, but I have not seen a single instance in which toyota has acknowledged this sound. Also, the ICE mates to the electric via gears. How can this be that? It sounds absolutely like the ICE itself and nothing to do with that. What the dealer said sounds dubious. First I've heard of a) Toyota officially recognizing this and b) any concrete diagnosis of the issue.
Why would I be a troll? I simply posted my experience with the noise and what the dealership told me. Some of you posters on the internet crack me up.
eh... what i've gathered is that this is exactly what he didn't tell you it is... well.. he did.. but didn't... it's a giant spring of sorts that cushions the movements of the PSD against the ICE.. and if it doesn't shift right.. as it so frequently seems to do... then it makes knocking noises because the sound is transferring strait through that piece since it's metal on metal.. they installed that piece to make the car smoother... so.. it's really there to make people happier... not the engine... it's a simple design and it works... it simply sounds like crap on start up.