Hello Prius People, We want to turn off or disconect the Seat belt dummy light ..... Please advise. Thanks a bunch !!!
The easy way would be just to put a piece of black electrical tape over that part of the display... that would be easy for the passenger one.. the driver one would be fiddlier for alignment I should think.
Thanks Mr. Allen ... But what does ' fiddlier for alignment ' mean? The dummy light is on the driver's side, a blinking red light. The Beeping is off .... I'll apply black electrical tape tonight ... Anyone else? Thank you, sir.
Yeah... the sticker has to be smaller for that one so it doesn't cover other indicators so it's hard for it to cover the light from every angle... the sticker or tape will actually be quite a bit in front of the light so paralax is an issue. I just reread that and I bet I wasn't any clearer this time.
Uh... Not to flame or be flamed, but.... this response is strictly for YOUR safety and the safety and liability of others who are reading this. I noticed that you live in California? You DO know that it is a minimum fine of $271.00 to be caught driving without your seat belt? Also, San Diego and San Francisco is experimenting with their red-light cams to see seat belts, too (for extra income.. Uhh I mean for driver safety). It is illegal in California to knowingly disable or remove a factory installed seat belt and its indicators except during replacement and/or repair. It is also illegal to knowingly assist one in doing this. You might also want to look into your insurance policy, as most warn that your personal injury coverage is lost or reduced if you tamper with or disable safety devices. I speak about this from the perspective of a first responder. Of all the accidents I have responded to, 3 were fatal. All three were ejections or face plants into the wind-shield. All 3 were NOT wearing the safety belt. 2 had air bags (and were ejected OVER the bag). If you fear being trapped by the belt, which is VERY rare, you can purchase a seat belt cutter real cheap. You stand MORE of a risk of not being able to open the door or breaking out the window to escape. Out of curiosity, why do you want to disable the light? Is it malfunctioning? If so, we can certainly assist with the repair here, but I advise against any info on disabling the system.