It's Oscar season again and time to commemorate the spirit with a new game. It's very simple. We'll start with a movie title; the next post then is one of 3 possibilities: A new movie title that contains at least one of the words in the previous title, or the movie's director or one of the movie's principal stars, or the name of one of the movie's principal characters. If the next post is a person (character, director or star), the post that follows is one of two possibilities: Another movie that person directed or starred in, or another character, director or actor whose first or last name is either the first or last name of this one. or another movie whose title contains either the first or last name of this one. One other rule: try not to use obscure titles & people - keep 'em popular and famous, or at least famous. Example: Post #1 Rear Window Post #2 James Stewart (star in that movie) Post #3 James Bond (character with matching name) Post #4 Live and Let Die (movie featuring that character) Post #5 Die Hard (movie title with matching word) Post #6 Bruce Willis (star in that movie) etc. Got it? OK, here's the starter: IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD
Hmmm. A cameo, and as a corpse. Well, it'll pass, but only because the difference between Costner and a corpse is undetectable no matter what movie he's in.
The Toy [ame=""]The Toy (1982) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]