Ethanol Cure - Star Tron?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Fuel Economy' started by rpeeples, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ethanol has a higher octane rating than most gasoline blends. Ethanol should be over 110 octane.This is why various alcohol-based fuels are used in high horsepower racing. I regularly used methanol injection in my turbocharged truck when going into a high boost setting. This high octane fuel injection resisted detonation better than 93 octane gasoline alone. Is the ethanol used in our gasoline blends different in some way?

    Octane will not by itself reduce power or fuel economy unless the wrong octane is used in a specific car. A car like the Prius which is designed to run on 87 octane will not, under usual circumstances, make more HP or get better economy by running 93 or 105 octane. The lose in fuel economy generated by the use of ethanol in fuel mixes is based on the much lower energy content of ethanol compared to gasoline.
  2. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    You have that backward: ethanol increases octane, not the other way around. It is used as an octane booster and as an oxygenator to reduce emissions.

    Ethanol decreases fuel economy because ethanol has a lower energy density than gasoline. It's as simple as that. It's a common misconception that higher octane equates to higher energy density.

  3. GoMetricToday

    GoMetricToday 42 is the answer to the ultimate question.

    Jan 10, 2011
    Erwin, TN
    2010 Prius

    Is is possible for you to purchase Ethanol free gas where you live? I live in North East Tennessee. Here in Erwin and Unicoi there are at least 2 gas stations that sell Ethanol free gas. The gas station I go to is in Erwin and the price is about .20 more per gallon than blended gas. I am wary of additives because you don't know if it will harm your ICE or not. The manufacture can claim that it wont and offer a few testimonials but one can't be sure if they are true. If you can get Ethanol free gas where you live, then you can be pretty sure that it won't harm your ICE. I just feel that since I spent the money on the car I don't want to do something to harm it. Not sure if my comment helped, but I thought I should make the suggestion of Ethanol free gas.
  4. rpeeples

    rpeeples Experienced Toyota Owner

    Dec 28, 2010
    America's own third-world country
    2010 Prius
    Less than a year ago there were about half a dozen stations around here selling ethanol-free gas. Then it seems that all at once they quit selling it. I had somebody tell me it was against the law to sell ethanol-free. I have never heard of such a law, though.

    We have several lakes in the area with lots of boats. You would think somebody would sell ethanol-free gas for the boaters. I personally know several people who have just had to junk their motors because they were ruined by ethanol-contaminated gas. One person even junked his entire boat. He said he could not afford another motor, so the boat was no longer of any use to him.

    I am afraid that is what is going to happen to the older cars out there. The people that can't afford to get their motors fixed, buy another motor, or buy another car are going to be left walking. Luckily I can afford another car (at least right now). But I paid hard-earned money for my truck and it runs great on ethanol-free gas. Why should I just sit there and let ethanol-contaminated fuel ruin it? I have to try something, and keep trying until something works. Star Tron "might" be what works. That is the whole point of starting this thread. :)
  5. Teakwood

    Teakwood Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    New Mexico
    2010 Prius
    The fuel is not "contaminated" with ethanol; it is formulated with ethanol. Down in Brazil, an entire nation is switching over to ethanol fuels.

    Get a grip.
    You sound like an over-wrought nanny.
  6. rpeeples

    rpeeples Experienced Toyota Owner

    Dec 28, 2010
    America's own third-world country
    2010 Prius
    I really don't appreciate your comment. I have not seen anything about ethanol that says it should be used in any gasoline engine. I have seen many, many negatives related to it. As for Brazil, I think you need to do a lot of research on the subject. Their cars are specially made or modified to use it, and it is practically pure alcohol, not the same ethanol-contaminated gas we are forced to put up with. In Brazil, it is made from sugar cane, not corn. Do some research on that. It costs more in diesel to produce the corn than is converted to alcohol. All this results in higher food prices, since a lot of things contain corn-products. Not to mention everything else that is produced from corn-products.

    I challenge you to show me everything positive about ethanol, if any. Show me proof to back it up. Show me how it saves money. Show me how it is good for a gas engine. Show me how anybody, other than lobbyists, are benefiting from it. Show me, because I have done a good bit of research and can't find enough information on the good aspects of ethanol-contaminated gas to fill a thimble.

    It is extremely dangerous to believe that the government is pushing ethanol for everyone's "good". I challenge this horrible misconception and urge everyone to do the same, especially if you have an older vehicle, lawn mower, boat motor, etc. Sooner or later ethanol will destroy it. Like I keep saying, that is what "they" want. "They" want you to have to buy a new car. Think about it - new car sales have dipped in recent years. This is just one way to bump up sales, by destroying the engines in older cars, forcing people to buy new ones that will handle ethanol.

    Say what you want, believe what you will. I am correct in what I say about ethanol-contaminated gas. I have experienced its ravages first-hand and have seen what it can do.
    1 person likes this.
  7. GoMetricToday

    GoMetricToday 42 is the answer to the ultimate question.

    Jan 10, 2011
    Erwin, TN
    2010 Prius
    Surely you misunderstood my question. I wasn't suggesting that you let your other vehicle get ruined by the Ethanol. If you are able to try something that won't harm your other vehicle then I say try it. I was merely asking if Ethanol Free gas was available where you live. The other parts of my statements were my own opinions. I am just too chicken to even try any kind of additive for fear of potentially voiding my warranty. Since I just got my Prius in January, I would be too afraid unless it was something that Toyota sold and recommended. If your vehicle that you want to try the product in is out of warranty, then I say go for it. I hope this clears up the misunderstanding. :D
  8. GoMetricToday

    GoMetricToday 42 is the answer to the ultimate question.

    Jan 10, 2011
    Erwin, TN
    2010 Prius

    It isn't often that I agree with someone 100% on something. But this I do have agree with you. Brazil went to pure Ethanol many years ago. In fact petroleum based gas down there costs quite a bit more than Ethanol. They have a very abundant sugar crop in Brazil which makes for a steady supply of Ethanol. The energy used to make Cane Ethanol is much less than the energy used to make Corn Ethanol. You are correct again when you said that cars in Brazil are specifically designed to run on pure Ethanol. I have to agree again that Ethanol in this country has been forced on us. If our government truly wanted us off of petroleum based fuels then they would have required the change a long time ago and cars would have been designed to withstand the corrosive effects of Ethanol. Blending Ethanol into gas isn't an energy solver. I needs to be Either Or. Either 100% Cane Ethanol or 100% Petroleum Gas. Heck we have so much Natural Gas in this country that we could even safely switch to that. There are much better alternatives to Ethanol in my opinion. :D

    Just as a side note. We are capable in the US of producing a huge Sugar Cane crop for Cane Ethanol and still have plenty of sugar left over for our sweetener with out drastically increasing the cost of sugar. At one time most of the sugar produced in the US was grown domestically. In South Georgia where I grew up there used to be lots of farms that grew sugar cane. Sugar cane is like Bamboo, it grows fast and multiplies quite fast. There is no real reason short of government and lobbyist interference that we can't grow enough sugar in the US to supply our fuel and sweetening needs.
  9. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid

    You guys are going to have to excuse me, since I didn't pay attention to any of the Chem classes that I never went to but (comma) what the heck is the difference between ethanol that is produced from sugar cane, and ethanol that is produced from corn???
    The US in in fact, the largest importer of ethanol from Brazil---or at least we were in 2007. Are you saying that none of that alcohol finds its way into the fuel supply?

    Leaving all of the silly land use issues aside for just this moment, Brazil seems to use the sucrose from sugarcane to produce ethanol----the same way that we use simple sugars from corn produce the same product, and then they take the residual bio-stuff and burn it for electricity....a process that is evolving into an ethanol conversion from the same residual stalks...etc. Rum (in thecase of the former) and corn whiskey (for us Norte Americanos) are made in the same manner---we just take some time to filter, age, blend, bottle, tax, and market the final product to satisfy a different energy need... :)

    Somebody is going to have to 'explain the difference between the two ethanols, because I can't get my head around how the 1.8 liter (litre, for those who drive on the wrong side of the road) motor in my Prius is going to be able to discern between these two vintages.

    The "energy balance' for sugar alky is about 5 times better than the corn fed stuff. I get that...and I've seen directly conflicting data supporting both the ideas that sugar cane plantations are both much more and much less 'sustainable' than corn or other row crop production. Personally, I lean more towards the former and I suspect that sugar antagonists are just opposed to Brazilian farmers hacking down acres and acres (hectares and hectares, for you right-hand drivers) of the pretty "rain forest."

    So....what exactly is the difference between sugar ethanol and corn ethanol?

    Also....I've been to Brazil a half dozen times. There are currently something like 30 million cars there (compared to something like 250 for the US.) I didn't see vast numbers of them dead on the side of the road from alcohol poisoning, and they're not by any means all modern cars (or boats...or motorcycles.)

    What I personally suspect is that people, and not internal combustion engines, have very strong feelings against ethanol based or sullied fuels.
    I'll wait for some chemist out there to 'explain to me why corn alky will kill my ICE faster than sugar alky------and maybe we'll learn something here. :)
  10. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Ethanol is ethanol from a chemical standpoint - it doesn't matter how it is made. Some forms of production can leave traces of other compounds, but that isn't an issue when we are talking about sugar fermentation. Your car or your body won't see any difference.

    Land use is another issue. Obviously there are big differences depending on the type of crop, or if we use waste materials. That topic shouldn't be ignored, but it doesn't enter into the chemical properties of ethanol.

  11. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    E10 is injector cleaner. The Prius, along with every other recent car, is designed to run fine on E10. Horror stories about a 20 year old car are pointless.

    Agreed, making fuel ethanol from corn is stupid, but that is a different discussion.
  12. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Concur....but that's not my fight.
    It irritates me somewhat that companies like Kinpac Inc. profit on the gullibility of motorcycle and (some) auto and boat owners----but I guess that's not my fight either....:rolleyes:

    If you want to fight the good fight against corn liquor, and you're not in a position to buy E0, a diesel powered car, or an EV---- IMHO (and it's only that) you're going to have to bring something to the argument a little weightier than "that stuff is wrecking my engine."
    That seems like some of the daffy 'Anti Prius logic' that we're always fighting......
    Again.....JMHO. :D

    The original question: Re: Ethanol Cure - Star Tron?
    Answer.... Nope. It's not Star Tron. It's education.
  13. rpeeples

    rpeeples Experienced Toyota Owner

    Dec 28, 2010
    America's own third-world country
    2010 Prius
    I disagree that "Horror stories about a 20 year old car are pointless." There are a lot of people out there driving older cars, either because they can't afford a new car or they just want to keep what they have. I want to keep my 20 year old truck running as long as possible. I paid hard-earned money for it and other than the ethanol issue, it has had absolutely zero problems. Barring an accident, ethanol will be its destroyer, not the number of miles or number of years.

    As for the Prius being able to run on E10, that's fine, but eventually it will succumb to the ravages of ethanol, in my opinion. Does it have a stainless steel gas tank, fuel lines, etc? I doubt it. Can somebody confirm one way or the other?
  14. rpeeples

    rpeeples Experienced Toyota Owner

    Dec 28, 2010
    America's own third-world country
    2010 Prius
    I went back and re-read your question, and yes, I did understand it. If I could buy ethanol-free fuel in my area, I would do so without hesitation. I would gladly pay extra, too. If it costs 20 cents per gallon extra, that would only be about $3.50 more per tankful for me - not an outrageous amount to pay to be ethanol-free. The problem is that in the last year, all the stations that I am aware of have quit selling it.

    Oh, and I do appreciate your opinions. If you don't want to try some type of additive, that is your business. I am willing to try "something". It might not work, but then again, it might. I doubt the companies that make Star Tron and Sta-bil would risk ruining their reputations on "snake oil".
  15. rpeeples

    rpeeples Experienced Toyota Owner

    Dec 28, 2010
    America's own third-world country
    2010 Prius
    A few days ago, I put the first dose of Star Tron in a full tank of gas in my '98 4-Runner. I know it is far too early to tell what the outcome will be, but it does appear to be running "just a bit" smoother. You could say that it is just my desire for it to work that it seems better, but my wife remarked that it was a bit better and she was not aware that I had put any Star Tron in the tank.
  16. Graywolf3458

    Graywolf3458 New Member

    Jan 7, 2011
    Weston, Missouri
    2010 Prius
    I live in Missouri where it is a state law that every gallon of unleaded gas must include a minimum of 10% ethanol which I hate for various reasons excluding environmental. Ethanol will reduce your fuel economy and it does screw up small engines. It has screwed up my chain saw which I had to have repaired. I have also done tests on my different vehicles using regular unleaded with at least 10% ethanol versus premium with no ethanol. My 3rd generation Prius averaged over 3 mpg better with premium and no ethanol. Ethanol sucks and the only reason that it is being forced down our throats is becaause of the power of the farm lobby and politics.

    I was thinking of staring the same thread, thanks. Is the ethanol reeking havoc on your MPG's? I am averaging in the mid 50's , but I feel even though the sticker on the pump says may contain up to 10% ethanol I don't think it is being added. It's just another expense for the gas stations and something else that must be imported and blended in. As I mentioned in the other thread I have used it my small gas engines and they seem to run better when I do put it in. I have both a 4 stroke and a 2 stroke string trimmer and with the 4 stroke I seem to notice performance comparable with nonethanol fuel. With my 2 stroke hedge trimmer and chain saw I did not really notice. I appreciate you being the guinea pig and taking the lead on this one. On another note how are you window vents working out for ya, any decrease in MPG's.[/QUOTE]
  17. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    My car runs better when it is clean. I also notice that it corners better after an oil change. ;)

    Subjective assessments like this aren't worth much.

  18. Teakwood

    Teakwood Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    New Mexico
    2010 Prius
    Where did these Star Tron trolls come from?
    Whether you like ethanol or not, Star Tron is BS.
    .., but then maybe some people still believe in the Easter Bunny?
  19. viclavigne

    viclavigne New Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Wow, I personally don't know if Star Tron does anything or not. But I'd prefer to get some facts and users experience about it before labeling it BS. And being objective about it dosn't require a belief in the Easter Bunny too.
  20. rpeeples

    rpeeples Experienced Toyota Owner

    Dec 28, 2010
    America's own third-world country
    2010 Prius

    Thank you for your comment! I was trying to think of the right reply to such close-minded people as those who refuse to allow innovation and discovery to occur freely with the intent of improvements for humanity.

    Where would we be in the world without the curious and inventive people and the "crazy" ideas they had for things? People laughed at them and ridiculed them for their beliefs and actions, yet in the end we all have benefited from them.

    I don't know if Star Tron really works or not at this point. I was willing to give it an honest try like I have already stated. I am sorry there are people out there who can't, won't, or incapable of, understand(ing) what is going on with ethanol and why I am trying something that "might" work. If they love ethanol and all its negative aspects, that is fine with me. They don't have to be such jerks about it and post comments that belittle those of us who are being victimized by it. We are trying to find something that will cancel out the negative aspects of ethanol. Sometimes that means trying different things until something works. In addition, that means sharing the results with others, whether it is good or bad.

    I firmly believe the world would be a much better place to live without all the jerks and their hateful and belittling comments. I know, it takes all kinds to make the world go around, but that would put a severe crack in the population bell-curve. Currently, the bell-curve has a huge wart in that particular area.

    And by the way, being a light-hearted, fun-loving, life-loving person, I do look forward to such things as Easter, Christmas, and more. There needs to a few bright spots in life and if that means looking forward to the Easter bunny, Santa Clause, etc. with my kids then I say "so be it". Some people can't understand that. They are the ones with problems, not me!