I'd like to settle this issue once and for all. I think this poll can help show why people make the choices they do and maybe end all this Toyota/Ford/GM BS that's going on. I think this will be a bit more interesting.
Good poll, Maytrix! It should show that we most of us are not Toyota fanboys because they are Toyota or because they are a green company. Now having said that, I still think Toyota is one of the greenest car companies (i.e. they have made announcements for several years about hybrizing all of their fleet and from what I understand, try to reduce and reuse a great deal of the manufacturing excess) and I support those types of endeavours. Then again, I would support any car company that does this, but my funds are limited at the moment.
Whoooo boy, that's a lot of polling options. I'll pick one of the 'reliable' ones....not sure which. :blink:
Thanks. As far as a company being green, I think there's 2 parts to it. 1. Do they produce "green" products. In this sense, Toyota definetely does (Prius/HyHi) and is striving to do much better (80% of product line hybrid in 10 years). 2. Do they practice "green". We know what they make. But do their corporate offices, plants..etc act in the most "green" way they can? You mention they try to, but who really knows - I haven't seen much on that. The same could be asked of GM, Ford or anyone else.
I almost picked the second to last option but picked other because some level of environmental responsibility is important to me. I don't know about corporate practices at Toyota but at least their cars typically have respectable MPG ratings. On the other hand the car actually has to work. I'm sure that MGs get good gas mileage under their own power but they get even better gas mileage when they're being towed. Since that's most of the time they probably are a lot greener than a Prius, but towing is expensive!
I would buy from anyone who makes a reliable, quality product that serves my wants and needs. I would always first consider a vehicle manufactured in North America using North American parts. If I was in the market for a vehicle based solely on gas mileage, I would seriously consider the Prius. If all things were relatively equal or completely equal, I would always buy from an American company.
Well things are NOT equal. As we've all been trying to explain, GM, Ford, and the others are noticing falling sales because when it comes down to it, their offerings are not as compelling, especially with the shift toward passenger cars. You contradict yourself. Is reliability, quality or your needs first, or is your flag-waving, patriotic- AMERICA-FIRST mentality first?
As discussed in "Future Shock" and the "Third Wave" by Alvin Toffler, the Japanese are successful because they have learned to integrate a lot of high quality knowledge into every component. When turn signals first appeared they were a manual flag that stuck out from the side of the vehicle. Electric turn signals were at first so flimsy, they broke if you pulled too hard. Now a "turn signal" arm is multifunction - turn signal, high beams, variable windshield wipers and cruise control. I want a vehicle that will last a minimum of 250k mi with routine preventative maintenance. So far, Toyota does it best with a continuing long-term perspective.
1. my needs(including family) 2. quality/reliability 3. place of origin Malorn, So what you are saying is that you picked or would pick "I'll buy from anyone that makes a proven and reliable product"? In that case why are you bashing Toyota so bad? The fact the we as a group seemed to be informed and conscious consumers says that the US auto maker are not doing a good job of A). Making a seemingly reliable product B). Having diversified products that meets the consumers wants C). Marketing their products to the current user base You in your own opinion state that reliability is a factor (number 2 on you list) so the fact that Toyota or any foreign car maker is doing a better job of marketing and building a product than the US auto makers should cause concern for the US auto makers. The big questions is not what Toyota is going to do about it; its is what are the US auto makers going to do to improve their image, improve their product, improve their market share and improve their bottom line? If any US car manufacturer put out a product that was as good or better than the vehicle I drive now (a Prius at this time) I would buy it. For me the bottom line is not US vs. Foreign it is bang for the buck.
which one am I supposed to vote for I'll buy from anyone that makes a proven and reliable product? or Toyota - They make a reliable product? I want to buy a reliable product whoever happens to make one At the moment Toyota makes a proven and relaible product, so do I vote for Toyota or anyone?
I'd go with I'll buy from anyone that makes a proven and reliable product for the reason you stated (unless you bought from one company no matter what).
no, I don't just buy from one company no matter what, there has to be a good reason for me to buy from one over and over again
Ouch,ooch, owww.....I am going to have to agree with this. However, this IS the most rational I have ever read Malorn....
I wish I could find the story, but I read one about a year or year and a half ago that was over a Toyota plant in Kentucky that was trying to eliminate all waste from it's plant. It talked about reusing the food waste to make a compost for the grounds and gardens and selling scrap parts to metal recyclers and such. I haven't been able to find it through a quick search, so maybe I was dreaming.