I'm in the - the seemingly never ending - process of upgrading my JBL system, and have discovered something interesting about the reverse and seat-belt beeps... they aren't produced by the JBL amp like the MFD beeps, and they have their own speaker (hidden somewhere). My JBL amp is sitting on my workbench, and none of the speakers are connected, yet the car still beeps.
Yep... and the lock/unlock beeps as well do not come from the JBL. Only the MFD beeps come from the JBL.
Yeah, I knew the outside beeps were separate from the inside beeps, but I was surprised that the inside reverse/seat belt beeps have their own hidden speaker.
Yes, the inside beeps originating from the body electronics (as opposed to the AVC electronics, such as MFD) are generated by the instrument combination meter I believe, and will sound there for body electronics initiated events, such as reverse/seatbelt, idiot shifts, leaving the car with the fob still in it (only SKS has outside beeper), leaving your lights on in a situation where auto-off was bypassed, etc.
The EV/Seat Belt/Reverse beep's separate emanation I also learned about yesterday while readying my car for a 'parallel' audio system install (leave in place upgraded head unit & remove passenger side amp - install new head unit below the factory unit - in the cubby - install new JBL 80.4 amp under the passenger seat, replace all drivers with JBL -disconnect center speaker! add Kenwood subwoofer to spare tire area). I unplugged the JBL amp and what do you know, the dang MFD beeps were silenced but the other beeps were maintained which is GREAT, because now I can hear if/when the EV Mode is engaging/disengaging (I'm still baffeled at how the Coastal EV mod really works though!) and whether or not the seat belt and reverse beep silencing has worked. Thanks to all! Who knows what a Type "A" fuse is and what it is called in the real world and where, other than a dealer, I can buy an assortment? Let me know if you do! Thanks, Ken
I always thought the EV beep was from the MFD. yes, the MFD beeps are generated by the JBL amp, or the HU unit if you don't have JBL.
I just went to my Prius and confirmed that when I Power it up - (w/Coastal Dave's EV mod installed & w/the Park indicator light illuminated) and I pull the CC stalk towards me, while I am not getting a single confirming beep of EV Status, I am getting the Energy Monitor screen coming up. Then when shift into forward or reverse and drive a bit and park and engage the Park button, I pull back on the CC stalk, I hear 3 beeps which I understand meand that the EV mode has been disengages. All this with the JBL separate amp completely unplugged from the passenger side. As a side note since unplugging the JBL separate amp, I noticed that the kW Generation/Consumption Screen (to the left of the instantaneous MPG vertical bar graph which appears to be functioning properly) is not being populated with any information (in that oh so popular, NOT!, mid/easternJapanese/Arabic right to left reading format). Grist for the mill. Ken
Do you have a speed defeat that you are using for BT? Disabling speed sensing to the MFD will cause the animated graphics to not animate, and for the 5 minute MPG readings to not populate. If there was a problem with AVC, then the MFD would not be able to get any information. Oh, and here is a picture of the fuses from the owner's manual:
Speaking of beeps, I thought for sure that somewhere in this forum would be an explanation of the beeps. The owners manual has a limited decode, but doesn't address what the two beeps at power-on might mean. No MFD announcement of any troubles, just two quick beeps after the power button is pressed. Vehicle is a 2008 base package 4. SKS battery is good, no warning lights.