Just got a Verizon iPhone4 (finally) and am having bluetooth pairing issues with my '06 Prius (non-Nav). The behavior is not quite what I've seen described on other threads, so I don't know what try here. Note that my old junkie dumbphone worked reliably with the Prius over Bluetooth. Anyway, when I first paired the phone with the car it worked perfectly. But the next time I got into the car, it wouldn't pair. The car said "Bluetooth connection unsuccessful" and the iPhone, inside the Bluetooth settings page, eventually said something equivalent. Eventually, what worked was to turn bluetooth off then on again on the iPhone. The next time I came back into the car, I tried deleting the Prius from the iPhone, and re-pairing it from scratch. That worked too. But obviously I need this thing to automatically pair every time I get in the car. Anyone have any suggestions? I don't see any settings anywhere that would let me alter the behavior of either the car or the phone.
Huh. I have an AT&T iPhone 4 (which, granted has slightly different electronics) and it pairs just fine with my '06 Prius. I wonder if you have a defective phone? You could try taking it back to the Apple Store and see what they say. I suppose it's possible they botched things up in the Verizon version, do not know.
Hard to imagine it's a defect, but ya never know. I'll have to see if any others are having this with their Verizon phones. Annoying....
I am at more basics steps in pairing my Verizon iPhone 4 with my '05 Prius. It was very clear what to do with my last phone - but don't know what codes to key in. Thanks for any feedback from those who have succeeded.
All - see this site for details on how to pair and troubleshooting. It seems the '05 Pri will not pair w/iPhone- due to its ancient hardware. If someone has discovered otherwise let me know. My iPhone message said "give up on this device"!!
Just to close this one out, my phone is now pairing fine with the Prius, every day. The only thing that changed is that I went through a process with Verizon to initialize my voice mail; they had mis-provisioned it when activating my phone. During that process, I had to power cycle the phone a couple of times. So, for whatever reason, all is well now.