So, DH and I are going on a cruise to Hawaii in March... Our itinerary is that we'll be docking at Honolulu on Friday, April 1st, Kauai on Saturday the 2nd, and Maui on Sunday the 3rd. We're also at Hilo on Thursday, but we have a tour booked for that island. Question: Does anyone on here live there? What would be the advice you'd have for those (3) islands? Or, just any one of them that you are familiar with? On Honolulu, we do plan to spend part of the day at Waikiki beach. We know all about the Memorial, of course, and I really don't want to spend that much time crying while on vacation. It's our long day, though - from 7am to 11pm (I would be back on the ship by 10pm, as that's how I am), and we aren't sure what to do with ourselves for that long. Wait, that sounds... nevermind. Well, see, the thing is, I sunburn easily, and though I'll be using mass quantities of Green Screen sunblock, I still can't be out in the sun that many hours. So, is there some sort of short tour, evening place to hang out, or natural beauty we Cannot Miss? The ship's own tours all sound overpriced and boring as can be. Oh, hey... at Waikiki - are there lockers? public showers or something for changing to/from swimsuits? Thanks
Howzit Rae, I live on Oahu, The Port of Honolulu is closed for cruise ship passenger debarkation on April 1st. Maybe you can get off the ship on Maui or Kauai, or the Island of Hawaii. Just kidding about Honolulu being closed, had to get the April Fools' Day joke in there while I could. Let me ponder your questions and I will get back to you later. You mentioned a Memorial I am going to assume that you are referring to the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial is this correct? May I ask which line your sailing and who is DH, it will aid in planning? It might be helpful also to know what are you interested in doing or like and what you have no interest in doing or dislike? There are many Priuses here in the Islands, but I don't think there are many active PC members I have only seen a few so far. Feel free to PM me any particulars, or questions you don't want to post here. Glad your coming out to vacation we (The State of Hawaii) need the money.
I thought 'DH' was Priuschat code for 'Dear Hubby' If it were me, I'd be looking for a black sand beach, a trimaran to crew on for the day, a mountain top to watch the sunrise from, a bicycle to ride down the steepest, twistiest paved road I could find, and a night view of molten lava flowing straight into the sea. But that's me. What's on the shore tour itinerary?
"DH" is, indeed, Dear Hubby - JavaJunki here on PC. I saw a tour that was a long down-hill bicycle ride - looked like a lot of fun! Too bad neither of us could actually survive that at this time. I was just hoping for something sort of like "tourists usually miss this one, but it's really beautiful/historic/interesting/fun..." No spam, please. Unlike a lot of people, I actually know what is in those cans. Ewww.
Get in the air by helo or plane, and if you can afford it not a packaged tour but a personal tour. The islands look wonderful from any angle but absolutely stunning from above. If you book it through a flight school the cost will be for plane & pilot at a flat hourly rate, with no additional charge for both of you.
There's La Mariana within a couple of miles from where you dock so it would be a cheap cab ride. It's an old style tiki bar and restaurant. Maybe hit it for a beer on the way back to the ship. Annette in the video has since passed away, but the place continues on. There's also The Contemporary Museum in the same area/loop. The Contemporary Museum Same area as Punchbowl Cemetery, just so you know. I'll add things as I think of them.
If I recall correctly I think Rae is a Vegan? But I love SPAM as they say It's Crazy Tasty. It is rumored that Hormel has a secret SPAM warehouse here on Oahu. I should have thought of that DH. Sounds like you have visited the Islands before? The crazy downhill bike ride I think you all are referring to is going down Haleakala on Maui. Every so often there is a death there due to a bike either going off the road and down the mountain or colliding with a vehicle going up hill. I have been to all of the Islands because of work, but I was on the ground usually long enough to get fuel or pick up someone, with the exception of the Island of Hawaii. I have spent allot of time on the Big Island for work, her natural beauty abounds. It may be the only place in the world where you can start at sea level on a black sand beach and by lunch be at almost 14,000 feet atop Mauna Kea with snow on the ground. Driving through a rain forest and a high desert area with ancient lava flows surrounding to get there. I shall post some ideas for you all in addition to what Koa has posted. DH got it so is what would I call my wife? DW? I definitely second that, I have had the opportunity to see all of the Islands from the air it is Awesome, especially Kauai and the Big Island. Here on Oahu there is Dillingham Airport there you can find gliders and skydiving, and air tours in biplanes. [ame=]Dillingham Airfield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] I have not been soaring in a while but it is great being up there only hearing the wind rush by the canopy, no engine, transmission or rotor noise. I have a pilot buddy I could have him look in to the flight school tour route or ask him if he would take you all up if your interested. The bad thing about Dillingham is it is quite far from the cruise ship terminal.
There is also the Pacific Aviation Museum located on historic Ford Island. Ford Island is in Pearl Harbor and very near all of the Historic sites there like the Arizona Memorial, Bowfin submarine, battleship Missouri. Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor I don't know much about them but I see them on base daily there is a tour company called Home of the Brave Tours, they go to most of the historic military sites and bases around Oahu. Pearl Harbor Headquarters | Pearl Harbor Tours, Arizona, USS Bowfin, USS Missouri, Pacific Aviation Museum, Home of the Brave Museum I shall also add new ideas as I think of them.
Kauai is our favorite island. We were married there in 1990, and return often. You need to rent a car. The cruise terminal is essentially mid-island. If you drive clock-wise, you will be at Waimea Canyon (The Grand Canyon of the Pacific) in one hour. If you drive counter-clock-wise, you will travel through Princeville, Hanalei (Puff the Magic Dragon) and the beautiful North Shore. The road dead ends where the Napali Coast begins. If you have the time and money, a helicopter tour of the scenic Napali cliffs is a must. Aloha!!
Rae, The wife and I spent an anniversary on Oahu 2 years ago. We went on a circle island day tour one day. It was spectacular. We had stops in the rain forest, Dole plantation, a secluded beach and at a floral nursery plus lunch at a golf resort just to name a few. Drove by many movie stars homes, saw wild sea turtles swimming at one of the beaches and really enjoyed the tour. I can't for the life of me remember which tour company it was, there are several. If you are a bargain hunter, there is a huge flea marked that encircles the football stadium. That would take a couple hours to walk/shop around. Then there is the Polynesian Culture Center .... You'll have more to do than time to do it. Remember, Google is your friend to look at all these suggestions. Tom
One day is not that much time but this is a cool place to see and meditate. Byodo-In Temple - Valley of the Temples Memorial Park - Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii
The news is reporting La Mariana was destroyed by the tsunami. Don't know any more info than that, no video yet. Edit Update: Apparently the reporter was wrong about the restaurant; it is fine. Boats moored in front of the restaurant and piers broke loose and there is damage there. So much for being accurate.
So, I think I've finished shopping for the trip... I'm still involved in packing, however. Since we have to fly to LA to board the ship, I have to "pack light" Gotta take this one, though:
I was 19, so it would have been 1967 or '68. I was not yet a vegetarian. I had already decided that vegetarianism was the ethical choice but I didn't think I could live without meat. That's when there was a city-wide meat-cutter's strike in L.A. I come from a family of union people, so I was not about to cross the picket line. Unable to buy anything at the meat counter, I bought a can of Spam. The stuff was so awful that for the duration of the strike (two weeks, more or less) I ate no meat. I learned in those two weeks that I could live without meat after all, and I never ate meat again. Unlike Rene, I don't know what was really in that can, but I think it was half-rotted snouts and anuses of cows that had died of hoof-and-mouth disease. Sorry for the digression. Carry on. :focus: