Date Ordered: 3-31-04 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Advantage: Barboursville, WV Timeframe given for delivery: 4 weeks Color: seaside or tideland Option Package: 9 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 1
Forgot to mention...I live just outside of Washington DC and I will be driving to get my car when it arrives. I can't wait!
Picked up my tideland yesterday! I highly reccomend this dealer! They only have 2 people on their waiting list.
i just put in an order with these folks. very nice. they said someone just called them a few minutes earlier and got ahead of me (that will teach me to wait until lunch) but that i should have my car in July, which is still way ahead of what the dealer here told me, a year from when i ordered a few weeks ago... now i just have to keep my fingers crossed on the colors and stuff
Jeremy (my salesman) got me my first choice and delivered it in 3 weeks! Hey tell them you got their name from Carla Johnson please. They have a very nice customer referral bonus that I wouldnt mind taking advantage of!
i bought from jeremy as well. i already told him i saw it online, but i will definitely tell him tomorrow that i got it from you. thanks. i hope they get me at least my first or second (salsa followed by driftwood). i will keep my fingers crossed! also checked out some airfares to charleston, which he said was the closest decent sized airport. still hard to wait, but july is a heck of a lot closer than next april!
I heartily endorse these guys too. I called every dealer in WV and these guys came through the fastest, and they were fair and very nice. I rented a car and drove some 300 miles (one-way) to pick up the Prius, and loved the drive home. Overall it took less than 2 months, which is about 9 months shorter than it would have been here in the Tarheel State. I heard one of the guys speculating that because they are new, they are getting better allocations, so check them out, or check out other new dealerships in your area.
i got the call today that my car has been allocated and will probably be in within 10 days-2 weeks. that also makes it just about 2 months since i ordered.
let's hope! they are gonna have someone pick me up at the airport. can't complain about the service! on the other hand, jeremy did say that the dealership owners have been asked to either stop selling to out of towners, or at least charge the same markup that the buyer would pay in their home area. apparently the long distance sales are ticking off some folks. fair play to the consumers, i say. some of the urban dealers are charging $5,000 and more over list price, just because they can get it. if some of those customers are willing and able to deal with a more ethical businessperson a few hours away, that's their prerogative.
My guess is that it is Jeremy. The day before I picked up my car, he drove to the MD boarder to hand deliver a car. Now that was service!
Wow! I also live just outside of DC and I ordered my Salsa Red BC in Martinsburg, WV back in December because the DC / Baltimore dealers were saying 4 to 6 months. I got my Prius within 3 weeks which was way sooner than anyone expected and I remember thinking that Martinsburg was a little out of the way to drive just to get a car. Looks like WV is still the place to go, but the distance from DC requirement has gone waaaaay up. It's worth it, though!! Rick 04 Salsa Red BC Maryland