I thought of another one on the way home tonight. It came to me while I was in the slow lane minding my own business while the angry guy in the large truck rode my back bumper. IF (I==slow.lane) AND (U==tail.gating) THEN GOTO HELL
now, I have a really really dumb question. please don't hold it against me What does FAHRFROMFÃœLEN mean ?
Hi Ken, I like some of your bumper sticker ideas (e.g. SUV with a circle and slash), but I think some of the others could be taken as offensive. As an Arab who grew up in the states, I understand that these are jokes and the result of a horrible action by those who share my ethnicity, but those stickers seem to lump all oil-producing nations together with the few radical fanatics who carried out these terrible deeds. I suppose I could best explain it by saying that linking muslim extremists to oil-producing countries would be like linking the Klu Klux Klan to countries made up of mostly Christians. My $.02 - I didn't take any offense, but I wonder if some might. Take care, -Nicholas
I would say what it is linked to is not the people in those countries, but US foreign policy towards the regimes that rule them. America is limited in its foreign policy options with these nations as a direct result of its national dependence on importing oil from a set of Middle East countries. By ending this trade dependence, Americans can strengthen their position in this relationship, freeing them do deal with what many Westerners consider to be major issues there. I would argue this, not a general disdain for the populations of oil-producing nations, is what drives most US policy hawks toward buying a hybrid car.