People have made rear wheel skirts for the prius but so far they are either butt ugly or they added a whole side panel to keep everything in line. The question is can the prius have after market rear wheel skirts that look almost stock with minimal material? I say yes it can! I have no idea on how how to make any custom body part for a car but I'm giving it a shot. I bought some poster board the other day to make a template. I have cut it to roughly to the right size. I fitted it on my Prius with some masking tape. Bent it out a little and I have found that a wheel skirt could possibly be made. The clearance between the template and the tire is more than an inch and can be made wider with out making it look to ugly. The result is that the skirt does not stick out very far and if made into a finished product it could look stock. Mounting it will be the challenge but I have some ideas for that. To keep it stable at the top I thought about magnents and or use the bolt thats is in the bumper cover. The bolt is near the top rear. I thought maybe you could attach some kind of stabilizer bar that would slip into a pocket on the skirt. What you would do is fit the bar in the pocket and slide the skirt up. Then to keep it secure bolt it to the bottom of the car front and rear. This should make it easy to install and remove when access is needed to the tires. This project of mine will most likely never get finished but I though I would give it a try anyway. Side view of the template. Close up of the side view. What is looks like from the front of the car. Closer view from the front. Clearance from the tire.
That seems like a fantastic idea! It certainly will reduce drag. WHEN your side skirts become available, I'm sold! :0)
The Force, I don't know why, but I have some deep-seated afinity for rear wheel skirts. I just like the way they make a car look. So, its exciting to see your efforts. Yet, I don't think it can be assumed that they will reduce the car's Cd or aerodynamic "slipperyness." I've been doing a lot of reading on aero mods around the 'net. And reports are mixed on rear wheel skirts. Where there are possible positive results, they are often small, or unproven. Abysmal MPG increases have also resulted. The Prius is aerodynamically very slippery as it comes from the factory. It is the second slipperyest car you can buy. The car has all kinds of subtle aero refinements that are for the most part unrecognized by us plain folk. I have to believe that if skirts made an appreciable difference, they'd be OEM. There's already something weird going on at the back of the car. It has to do with the black plastic trim piece across the back of the car at the lower edge of the bodywork. To a casual observer, it looks like a skirt or dam. But if you feel up behind the tires, there are tapered boxes. From its shape, the boxes are fairings there to smooth the airflow aft of the tires. What's weird is, it is generally understood that it is far more effective to have a fairing behind the front wheels. Yet they are not there. I have to conclude that there is some subtle yet very troublesome aerodynamic condition at the rear end that the fairings are meant to correct/reduce. That being the case, It wouldn't surprise me that wheel skirts are going to screw things up, How? Well you got me there. Without a wind tunnel which allows for testing with the wheels spinning we'll never know. But there's no doubt in my mind that the designers at Toyota do, and those fairings prove it. Here is the result of a google search on "wheel skirts" at wheel skirts - Google Search There's a lot to be thought about in these threads. Here is a thread from where wheel skirts caused a 10 MPG reduction. Yikes! Wheel Well Covers Greatly Disappointing - - Helping You Save at the Pump Every discussion of wheel skirts that I've read deals with full skirts. It's whole-hog or nothing. Aerodynamics it turns out is a science of great subtlety. The size and position of the little air dams in front of the Prius' tires is critical. You can bet they have been sized and placed for maximum effect. So, just because a full skirt doesn't work, it cannot be assumed that a half or even quarter one will not. Or maybe the skirt should stand proud of the body at its rear edge creating a slot so that air thrown out by the wheel acting as a centrifugal pump can exit rearward along the bodywork, and then help fill in the "hole," low pressure area, behind the car. Who knows? Not me. But I'm waiting anxiously for a proven answer. You know what? I would still like to have skirts -- I prefer half skirts actually -- but first I'd have to be convinced that they wouldn't play havoc with my FE/MPG. Such is life!
As far as the skirts go I really like the looks of them. I would gladly take a small mpg hit for them. I really don't see how they could decrease the mpg at all on the Prius. Maybe increase but not decrease. And thats a big maybe. Lost one. Bought one. Did not match the other three. Bought three more. Just finished attaching them to the rings last week. Think I will put them on just for show. I haven't decided yet. The new ones are so nice and pretty I might just wait until after Hybridfest to use them everyday. Plus I can get some data this year on if they may improved the fuel mileage or not.
on the pictures your can see t stick out. is that going t produce More drag then it will help? maybe make a opening in the back to let the air get out!
I bet Toyota didn't add skirts like an insight only because of customer perception. Toyota went to huge lenghts to make this very different vechicle drive and look normal. Even so there was huge resistance to the Prius back in 04. This is why there is room for enthuiasts on this site to modify their prius away from the compromise Toyota sucessfully achieved. Anyway i think Rokby's suggestion for letting air exit at rear is a great idea. For mounting these Skirts could i suggest a Light bar slightly bowed across the outside of the wheel center with L shaped ends fixed to the bolt in the bumper and the other end fixed to the wheel arch where it is rolled into the wheel well liner. Once you have a good fixng here there are a number of ways to fix to this without damaging the car. Also if you remove this bar later, your car is back to stock for resale. An idea i had for aerodynamic testing is to find a long long descent and freewheel from a certain speed under set temps and wind direction and see how far the car will freewheel in neutral with and without Aero Aids attached. The higher the speed you start with might give better results for testing as i think drag is exponential to speed. P.s. see my lightened Prius Thread.
See what these guys have achieved here with home made aero aids Prius aero mods (undertrays, grille block, mirror delete...) - Fuel Economy Forum
I have sucessfully manufactured a set of Rear Fender Skirts for the 2010 Prius, made of Fibreglass and easily attached. Can be ordered directly from me and I will post pictures of them installed on my 2010 Prius. They will be available painted to match or in black jellcoat. Each pair will be custom fit to your car. Delivery within 15 days as each set will be made to order.. Satisfaction guaranteed.... I am trying to find out how to create a Posting showing these skirts on my car. I am manufacturing them and they look AWSOME... Bob Knight