Hey, "end of the world" cast, too!: Randy Quaid Gina Gershon Shannen Doherty Tom Skerritt Swoosie Kurtz James Brolin Robert Wagner Adam Rodriguez
That's not going to stop me. Category 7 is, so far, only a proposed standard for Ultra Fast Ethernet cable. [Broken External Image]:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6e/Cat_7_Wire_Blue_Feature.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_7_cable As for that movie thing . . . that looks about as interresting as other lame disaster movies like Volcano, Deep Impact, and Airport '79 (a "disaster" movie which, by the way, had Charo in it . . . OMG! that is a disaster!).
I'm normaly a big, big fan of end of the world scenario movies....that is why I am here now....but this one looks pretty lame - I just gotta TIVO it!!!!
According to the Authority below this is absolutely a realistic possibility.... < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < << < < < < < < < < < < < << < <<< < < < < < < < [Broken External Image]:http://www.empiremovies.com/images/posters/chicken-little-movie-poster.jpg
Yep, I suppose it is a realistic possibility. Looks like I'll be leaving the planet, then................must remember to bring along my towel. :lol:
I love movies like this too... And looking at this past Hurricane season (actually current - it hasn't ended yet), is a Category 6 (5 is the highest now, right?) really that far a stretch? Or does 5 not have an upper limit in terms of wind speed?
No upper limit; maximum sustained 1-minute surface winds of 156 mph and higher. In short, the reasoning behind that was the damage starts looking about the same with sustained winds above 155 mph. Some experts believe the maximum potential right now is about 190 mph and, even with worst-case global warming, around 200 mph by the end of this century.
Same here! I just love the lame, made for tv end of the world movies/miniseries'. Supervolcano was the last one I remember seeing (the supervolcano underneath Yellowstone Nat'l Park) and that Earthquake one in which rivers run backwards and most of California fall into the ocean, causing Barstow to then have oceanfront property. LOVE THEM! Totally Tivoing this one too.
I love every POST apocalypse move ever made. Mad Max 1, 2, 3, Waterworld, hell, I even liked "The Postman." I just got "A boy and his dog." Anybody have any other good Post-Apocalypse movie suggestions? Nate
Shannen Doherty (as, presumably, God help us, someone's "love interest")? James Brolin? Did they shoot this in someone's backyard in Beverly Hills? Nate, what was that 50's black-and-white one, which is still good---"The Day The Earth Stood Still"?
A boy and his dog is great, IMHO. Not really a doomsday scenario but check out Metropolis (1927): http://blockbuster.com/catalog/DisplayMovi...playBoxArt=true A couple of others, off the top of my head: Equilibrium 28 Days Later