I have read quite a few other posts with clicking noises coming from the brakes but none of them seem to be the same issue I am encountering. This has been going on now for the last few months. Took it to the dealer and said they had no idea what it was but didn't seem to think it was a safety issue and nor do I. It's just plain annoying and I know it's not normal. It only seems to come from the drivers front wheel. It sounds as if someone has a zip tie running through someones bicycle spokes. It's constant when I hit the brakes and don't know if it happens at all speeds but it certainly does from say 35mph and slower. The really odd thing is I get a very similar noise when the car is going either forward or back from the steering rack when going to and from full lock, but only one direction. Just not as quick obviously. Really strange. The steering noise has been since I bought the car, but didn't think much of it. Dealer says there is a tech bulletin on the brake thing. They said they haven't identified the problem and don't have a fix yet. Don't know if I should believe them or not and they just wanted me to go away because there were other issues I had to deal with during this visit that didn't make me too happy with this dealership.Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
My 2006 Elantra did this for 20,000 miles until I traded it for the Prius. The dealer couldn't find anything wrong with it. Was really noticeable when coming to a stop with the radio off, ticktickticktick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.
My prius is making tick/clicking noise only on reverse. odd. sounds like something is loose. too lazy to take it in, i will at 30k miles service.
According to the dealer, they say there is a TSB but don't have a fix for it yet or at least as of 3 weeks ago. Was hoping maybe someone else having a similar issue might have had better luck with their dealership and been able to identify the issue.