I live in Michigan and we recently had a 8 inch snowfall. While parking my 2010 Prius it bottomed on the snow pile which took two pieces of black plastic off of the underneath front area of my car. Have others had this issue? Is there a website that has photos of the 2010 undercarriage? I assume the plastic is for aerodynamics, is there any website that has such parts, the OEM sites - I see on the web do not contain images of these plastic parts. Lastly, is there risk to not promply replacing the parts? I have an oil change coming in 2,000 miles and might just wait? Thanks for any and all help ecooper45
Speaking of oil changes, there is a door/cover for getting to the filter and drain plug. Some have broken it off while doing oil changes. That may have been one of the pieces you lost.
Thanks, I see that in another posting. Am looking for pictures of undercariage and the parts numbers to determine what parts may be needed. BTW nice bike - I ride a silver 2002 CBRXX (blackbird) when the weather is better. Tough to ride in the snow.
It is not just for aerodynamics, it is mostly just to prevent loose crap from pinging the underside of the car. Small rocks, trees, and furry woodland creatures mostly. Do they make motorcycle chains?
Photos of the undercarriage http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/68549-photos-taken-bottom-my-prius.html
Yea, I did it too. Just the front most cover half hanging off. I didnt even try to do it myself with nowhere indoors to do it. Cost me $39 and 30 min at the dealer. It was my fault. I got tired of shoveling and used the car as a plow.
Welcome to PriusChat. Looks like you're getting plenty of help on your undercarriage issue. BTW, if you've identified the plastic pieces, what were they; i.e. oil cover door, under air dam, etc.?
Two pieces. One looks like the oil cover door. The other is a "felt-like" piece that appears to have separated from the oil cover door. probbably to deaden sound - I'd guess. I've now seen parts for the entire under-vehicle pastic listed around $200 and other recommendations by fabricating a hinge to reconnect the door to the other parts. Wish I could get under her and do it myself, but similar to others - no place to get to it in the winter - I don't have a heat garage! Have to deceide between dealer, body shop or regular mechanic.
I read some PC discussion about not needing to replace the oil cover door. I can't remember the thread, but I'm researching. Even if the consensus is that the door isn't critical, I'd still want to replace it.
Check out this thread started by "regombos" regarding oil change access door issues, fixes and opinion: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ge-access-door.html?highlight=oil+access+door This is your issue exactly.